I’m 28 and so far hadn’t been on a date. One video I watched on YT told guys to not try to make women laugh but rather: “Make yourself laugh”. I’m not sure if that’s effective. Here’s a joke that I find HILARIOUS: Taco Bell has a $5 box that comes with a $500 maintenance bill for the bathroom. 3 hours after my lunch break, other people heard a sound that goes “OOHHHH UGGGHH!”

I’ll be honest, I almost cried laughing at that joke, but some people said it’s not appropriate when I talk to a girl. It’s confusing because I’m a math major and very good at mental math, but don’t have verbal wit or gift of gab to charm someone on a date. Are there other things that attract women, like good looks?

  1. Can you date with autism and not being able to tell a joke? Yea. I’d instead of focusing on that is work more your social acumen. (Example, shit jokes are more for teenagers. Not adults, not in the workplace and not around a girl you wanna date.)

  2. No you’re too old, you’ve already expired.
    1. “W0men” don’t care about anything that doesn’t benefit them.
    2. Have a handsome face
    3. Have lots of money
    4. You’re on the spectrum so that alone will nullify any chances at dating.
    “W0men” want to be entertained, you know like a dancing monkey act.

  3. As a guy, you don’t have to be funny at all. I think it does provide an advantage, but it’s by no means necessary.

    If humor is a struggle for you, just focus on other area of your life: physical fitness, job/Carter, kindness, etc.

  4. Show your genuine self and intentions and there will be someone out there who’s going to like who you are. Having sense of humour can be hard specially having ASD where a joke can be funny to you and not for others and vice versa. My ex was autistic and I made lots of jokes that he took seriously and got fed up with it. It’s a learning curve for me to be cautious when I throw jokes depending on the person.

  5. Just be yourself, if they don’t find that joke funny or if u feel like u have to put on a mask then they aren’t for u anyways. Look at it as trying to be friends and get to know each other like a regular hang out rather than a date, it takes pressure off.

  6. Depending where you are in the spectrum can be difficult or impossible but is definitely doable because some autistic guys have done that.
    “There are other things that attract women like looks?” Yes behavior. When people say personality they want to say behavior. Humor will not be your strongest behavior because it depends on contextual/social awareness. Focus on behaviors that you control better like exposure of yourself to meet a lot of people and displaying authenticity. Some women are so pissed with fake guys that they can find a authentic guy refreshing.

    Will it work or will be worth the effort?
    Don’t know but for what is worth from 200 years from now you and all others will be dead and will be irrelevant.

  7. Yes but you have to truly experience something to know if you will like it. You can observe all you want but each person is a different personality, a different experience. So you won’t know until you experience this for yourself.

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