Multiple guys that I have been in a romantic relationship with have asked me to flex my muscles and feel them at some random time. Thighs, calves, jaw, biceps, shoulders, ect. Is this a common thing or my luck of the draw? I don’t understand why.

  1. My gf is tall and built like a tank, I love my muscle momma it’s just a bit rare for a woman to want to gain more muscle tone that’s beyond looking toned or something like that. It’s sort of on the same line as feeling up the curves of a heavier gal that I’m dating.

  2. people are into all kinds of different things, it’s all good.

    my wife is chubby, but by some strange twist of fate, her legs aren’t chubby at all, in fact they’re rather muscular, especially her calves.

    i like touching them, but then, i like touching all of her, so idk whether that counts 🙂

    strong women are often sexy, imo. it’s all a matter of personal taste

  3. I have not done that. I admire them though but I have not requested to touch anyone’s muscles or abs before lol

    Am I missing out on something?

  4. I find in shape women hot. I much prefer that to the water balloon feeling some skinny-fat girls have. Good for you that you look after your body. Health is wealth and that’s attractive. You are probably a niche / minority in your class, so that may be why people like to feel.

  5. I dated a tennis player in college and I loved her physique, but I don’t recall asking her to flex for me. Do you work out – are you fit?

  6. Not on purpose.

    I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen for a bit at a wedding.

    I put a hand on her shoulder, and it was clear she had been doing some upper body work.

    I was like, “Ooooooh!!! You been lifting?”

    And she was like, “Yea!”

    And I was like, “YESSSSSSSSS!!!”

    I appreciate people who care about their fitness and musculature. I won’t go looking for muscles, but if I find them, I’m gonna be into it.

  7. Yeah, guys enjoy a woman’s muscles too

    You might have better muscles than most though. I dunno. I’d need a photo

  8. I have, but I was ~~promoted~~ prompted to do it by the lady.

    She loved to let people know that she is in a keto diet (for X number of years) and one time she added on to tell me that it has really cut down on her pudge. So asks me to squeeze her bicep as it is rock solid.

    It was not rock solid. But I said so anyway.

    Edit: prompted. Not promoted.

  9. I think it’s way more common than we want you to know.

    Some of us feel a fairly illogical comfort/safety thing with it.

  10. im a pretty musculair person and i think that makes some girls do the “grrr im musculair too!” (wich to be honest, is fucking cute) and then of course i have to go full gym bro and hype em up

    that does also include feeling the muscles yes

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