You can’t use social media or watch tv for a year, how do you fill your time?

  1. Read, do puzzles, hang out with friends, go for walks, travel, take care of my house plants, cook/bake

  2. I’d play video games, listen to music, go to concerts, spend time with my pets, cook, hang out with friends, go to the pub… Life really wouldn’t change.

  3. Meeting up with friends, camping, puzzles, board/party games, reading, handicrafts, music.

  4. Oof, I’m a SAHM and a lot of my support network is via social media, that’s how I talk to my mom too

    Idk I guess just take care of my toddlers and keep my home clean and be bored a lot of the rest of the time

  5. Make music, play games, read, hang out in nature, go to festivals, chill with friends, go to concerts. Pretty much the same as I already do. I dont have a TV, and my only social medium is reddit.

  6. Read, hang out with friends, play Sims, go to the gym, take Pilates, yoga, Zumba, etc. classes, paint, cook/bake

  7. Kinda same. Eat potato chips while lying down but turn 90 degrees and stare out the window instead

  8. Read, listen to more new music, work out, see friends more often, experiment with new recipes, play games on my Switch, and get into a new hobby maybe. Honestly been thinking of just completely getting rid of social media but i learn a lot from it so it’s just a matter of self control for me lol

  9. God this sounds awful. I guess I’d just play video games and go on hikes for a year.

  10. Audiobooks while I crochet/paint/craft

    Music while cleaning

    Maybe I’d finally write the novel I’ve been thinking about for a decade.

  11. I do a lot of crafty things like sewing projects, cross stitch, drawing, painting, etc. I would do those.

  12. Reading, knitting, playing video games on my laptop, hiking, playing board games with my family, sleeping, going for walks

  13. I did this earlier this year. Life is infinitely better. You realize there is zero reason to know everything about everyone else on planet Earth.

    Read, find new hobbies, go places, have projects. Go outside. Still talk to and see family and friends.

  14. ..ummm living? TV is only on in my house for noise anyway… I still live like the 90’s.. zuckerfuck hasn’t has my info in years

  15. I don’t watch a lot of tv, but I am probably on social media too much.

    I would read more books, listen to more podcasts, probably be even more active or sleep more (I’ll stay up later than intended, scrolling, whoops!).

  16. Emailing, guitar playing, hanging out with friends, going to the gym, work, playing with my dog, longboarding, going to real movie theatres, trying out restaurants I haven’t been to, going to concerts, travel.

  17. Trying to get better at things like art, sewing, cooking, looking at for my health, ect.

  18. tons of things. painting, reading, going out and socializing, doing charity work, having diy projects, going to random social events, etc – the list goes on babe

  19. Read, garden, go hiking, be social with friends and family, Scrabble, travel, do yard work, build something, and volunteer.

  20. play guitar, write, read, garden, spend time with my dog outdoors, hike, meditate, swim, etc.

  21. I don’t watch TV and my time on social media is quite limited, so it wouldn’t be too much of an adjustment.

    Read, learn languages, photography, play music, meet with friends, go to concerts…

  22. I wish someone could force me to do this. I think it would be so good for my life. I would read, paint, bake, knit, garden, spend time in nature… there’s so much.

  23. Books, take cello or piano lessons, start making music, do community stuff, cook new recipes, exercise, heal from my budding carpal tunnel 🤣.

  24. I’m a student so I’d probably be focusing on studying the most but fortunately I also have a bunch of hobbies so I’d be studying, working on my fitness, paintings, reading, working on a sewing project I have planned or playing piano.

  25. Yoga, Pilates, audio books, music, refinishing furniture, drinking, smoking many J’s. Rinse, repeat

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