Hi there! Little bit of a warning, it’s like 8 am, I’m not natively english and I’m on mobile so apologies for grammar, spelling and/or formatting.

I’m currently in a relationship with my boyfriend of 13ish months and he’s leaving the 14th of September to go to Indonesia for at least 2 months. We’ve spoken about it a little and from that we’ve concluded that we both dislike speaking about the distance and timezone portion of it. I convince myself we’ll be fine but I can definitely tell it’s going to be rather hard.

I’ve never been in a long distance relationship and even if it’s for just two months, I’m still rather nervous.

Are there any tips y’all want to share? That would be very much appreciated and this is his “plan” for the next upcoming years.

– He’s going to Indonesia for a diving school for two months in about 8 days
– He’ll come back to our country after he got it to get another diving diploma he can’t get there which takes about a year he said
– after that year there’s no solid plan, but he’s thinking of either moving back to Indonesia or some other tropical country

And here’s why I’m having issues.
– the time zones line up exactly wrong, it’s almost night when it’s day for him and I have a busy day to day life
– if he wants to move, I cannot go with him instantly because of hospital business I can’t do any where else.
– I tend to pull away and become distant when hurting and I don’t want that to be the case.

Thank you all for reading 🙂

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