a month and a half ago i (24f) met a guy (24m) on hinge and went on a really great first date. at the end he asked if he could see me again, and also texted me that night asking to see me the next week – to which i said yes, but nothing came of it. we were messaging sporadically but he never tried to set anything up. i was getting frustrated by this and asked him point blank if he wanted to meet up again soon and he basically said he was too stressed. i’m aware this could be a cop out but in his case it would be understandable, he is currently doing a very demanding postgrad course and also had to unexpectedly move out of his flat and find a new one at short notice. this was nearly a month ago now and we haven’t communicated since then.

a few days ago, he came up on my suggested on instagram so i followed him, and he followed me back. we are still matched on hinge as well (he hasn’t updated his profile since we met). am i being delusional to still have a tiny bit of hope that he is just going through a lot and might still be interested? it’s not like me to get so hung up but alas, he is pretty much my dream man

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