a few hours ago my gf (21f) got home from her class and looked like she had a rough day. when i asked her whats wrong she said she was stressed out from the fact she worked 8 hours and had two lectures right after. an hour went by of her relaxing with me, when she decided to get some of her work done. she went to the couch and started doing her school work, and every now and then i could hear her let out a deep sigh. that’s when i had the idea pop up, which was to go down on her to relieve her a little bit, but when i approached her in a seductive way (ig thats what u would call it?), she got mad at me. i got super embarrassed and apologized for it what i did before going to my bed.

just an fyi me and her have been dating since we were 17, and our sex life started not too long after that, and neither has this been the first time i went down on her.

the whole thought of it to me sounded hot but ig it was the idea that she might have not wanted any distractions from her work, or maybe she was too exhausted as well.

it’s been two hours since and im not sure if she’s still doing her work, but we havent talked nor texted since and i cant shake the feeling that i did something that was out of her comfort zone. i feel like an asshole and i want to talk to her but idk how i would approach her.

  1. well, just ask her what you can do to help her. just bring her snacks and drink. give her shoulder massage. and said to her, ” ill be in the …….. if you need anything” and dont disturb he. that all in my mind

  2. Your not an arsehole for doing that so stop feeling like you are one, clearly it was not what she needed or wanted at the time but it doesn’t make you an arsehole nor should you feel like one.

    The usual advice would be to give her some time and space as she has obviously had a real shit day and she is clearly tired and very stressed and possibly under pressure from a school assignments etc, but as you said that you got super embarrassed by it so went off to bed and that was just over two hours ago and you haven’t heard from her, then as a couple of hours have passed, I suggest you get up out of bed and go to the kitchen for a glass of water or juice (even if you don’t want a drink, go to the kitchen and get a glass of some drink or another) and on your way ask her if she wants anything to drink and then when leaving the kitchen sit down on the couch and ask if she has a quick minute, then simply say that you are sorry about earlier that you had a bright idea of how to help her and relieve her stress and take her mind off of things, make sure to tell her that your intentions were not based on you being ignorant and trying to fulfil your needs but hers (I assume that your bright idea was based on her liking you doing that when stressed or needing relief – If so tell her that and remind her that she has said before that it gives her relief) this is important otherwise she may think you were being selfish and wanted to do it for your own self and gratification.

    Then apologise to her again and tell her that you will learn from it and ask in future how you can help her and tell her you are going back to bed and ask if she needs anything before you go.

    I think she hasn’t text or come to the bedroom to see you because she is waiting on an apology and maybe she thought your intentions were selfish ones. Whatever you do don’t text or message her from the bedroom as that will only piss her off more

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