What do I say?

I (20F) have been invited to come over to a guys (21M) house and play some videogames and hangout. I don’t want to automatically assume what he wants but I think everyone has a pretty clear idea. Anyways, I’m on my period. Is this something I should be upfront about or should I just go to his place and not say anything until he tries to initiate? What do I even say? Like how am I supposed to word it? I know this is childish but I have severe social anxiety and I honestly have no clue what I’m supposed to say or do. Pls help.

1 comment
  1. You don’t have to announce it. He MAY actually just want to play video games and hang out—even if he wants sex or a chance at hooking up he may still want to just hang and play games. IF things turn sexual, THEN you say “just so you know I have my period.” It’ll actually tell you a lot about him. Guys who act all grossed out by a normal bodily function don’t usually make good partners.

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