I’ve had this experience a number of times, where after seeming having a great time sexting with a girl, they just block me.

No goodbyes, no ‘this isn’t going to work’. Just mid sexting and then they’re gone.

It feels bad, especially when you’re in the middle of you know…

Can anyone share some tips to help your sexting partners stick around?

  1. Maybe it’s how you are sexting. You might be saying something they don’t like for all we know

  2. Try asking if they want this and what they want often – basically keep checking in as you go. Questions like “can I share a sexy story with you?” Or “would you like to hear my fantasy?” Are great to give your partner a chance to say yes or no or respond with what they would like.

    While you’re sexting, ask them what they want. Ask them for details – “where on your neck do you like to be touched?” “What kind of touch do you like there?” Make it about them and their pleasure.

    And pay attention! The opposite of sexting isn’t waiting! Read every message a couple of times and ask yourself if they are trying to say no or lower the energy. Any HINT of uncertainty is a message to slow down, reset, and see what they need.

  3. I mean I say this with complete genuineness but Honestly, are they starting unsolicited or randomly at all? That could be your answer

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