Of course this is pretty subjective but really curious to see what you all think!

For me personally, its the “I bet I can do *blank* better than you.” You want to increase your value not decrease the value of those you’re tryna date! Also, when they put their astrology sign lol like other girls might care but typically men don’t even sort of care.

Let me know what makes a “bad” bio in your eyes. Also, what makes a good one?

  1. No matter how physically attractive they are, if they’re bio says anything along the Iines of “can you handle me or “you need to be able to entertain me” or if they mention anything about money.

  2. “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best”, that’s saying she’s a bitch all the time

  3. Having nothing on it. If we’re talking full profile, it’s selfies with no info,or the checklist with nothing about them, and the “don’t swipe right if you can’t hold a conversation.” 99% of the time, those are the ones that end up being interviews, because one word answers and not asking anything back is apparently a “conversation”

  4. Children in photos unless they’re clearly specified to not be yours (e.g “not my kids it’s my nephew”)

    Thirst trap thottery.


    “You must be___tall/have___/make___”

    “If you cant handle me at my worst” blah blah

  5. One thing that irked me when I checked out online dating was when they gave little to no information about themselves other than what they’re looking for in a guy.

  6. “If you’re ____, swipe left.”

    It feels too negative. Like you only have 500 characters to tell me about yourself, and you’re going to spend a full sentence to tell me you don’t like single dads, guys under 6 feet, musicians, etc.? It also give the impression that I’m supposed to do all the work. You can’t be bothered to look at my profile to find that information. Instead, I’m supposed to filter myself out if I play guitar?

  7. – my entire personality is drinking wine

    – humour about liking taco, pizza or any other basic food

    – gaaaaamer girl nerd! I’m not boring, I like Harry Potter and Nintendo and lord of the rings!

    – travel

  8. Apart from what others mentioned: When they are so vague/diffuse that you don’t know what they are looking for.

  9. If they say I’m not active here, come to my IG or snap and then has their IG and Snap written….bitch is looking for followers so I’m good

  10. Something about loving her pets more than she’ll ever love you.

    If you’re into beastality, just say that. No need to sugarcoat it like a child.

  11. Ladies. IMHO if you give us lists, then even if we can check off everything you’re asking for, we probably won’t approach. You seem to be trying to save time and energy, but you’re turning off all of us – even tbose who could meet your standards. You will, however, get responses from BS artists just to mess with you. They have nothing better to do with their time and are happy to be entertained by your anguish.

  12. Generally if I see “Never on here. Follow me on Insta: _____” or something to that effect then it’s a no for me. I’m not gonna support your influencer dreams.

    Edit: also I know that some people use it to verify you’re real, but too often it’s women trying to get followers to grow their “brand” in my experience. Nothing against them wanting to do that, but I’d like a real connection and conversation.

  13. If there’s nothing in a woman’s bio that I can start a conversation about, that sucks. If we do match, she’s getting a copy/paste opener and the conversation’s probably going to suck. TV quotes fall under this category, because holy shit I do NOT want to talk to you about The Office or whatever.

    I hate it when they put “I’m not messaging you first” in there. Like yeah, I’ve been on this app for longer than three seconds, I KNOW.

    I actually do appreciate making your politics clear in your bio, because that’s a dealbreaker.

    If I see a snapchat or instagram handle in there, I assume she’s just fishing for followers. If there’s an OF link, it’s not even in question.

  14. A lot of it is just being boring and generic.

    “I like to laugh and have fun.”

    No shit? Like pretty much every other human being on Earth? You couldn’t think of ONE specific thing you like to do?

    Have pics that aren’t selfies. Hell, don’t even include selfies at all if you can avoid it. I want to see that you get out and do things.

    Another big turn off is putting your kids first in your profile. I’m old enough that kids are pretty much a given. So I get it. But please don’t LEAD with it.

    “My kids always come first.”

    Translation: I don’t actually have time to date.

    Another instant turn off in dating profiles is filters! STop using those stupid snapchat filters. No, you DON’T look attractive as a puppy. And if you’re using heavy softening filter, I’m just going to assume you’re ugly in person.

    And +1 to no checklists! If you have any kind of checklist for men to meet before they dare message you, forget it. Even if I pass the checklist.

  15. if she talk about himself like a product or membresy “you must be” “i’m a high value…. “don’t swipe if you are…..

    if someone put superficial requirementst to meet people in dating apps probably she/he is an idiot and a people who only be tolerated by his mom

    -fan of a political party

    -horoscope girl
    -only share photos in sunbathes suit in a pool or beach

  16. “Vino.” Your early-stage alcoholism is not appealing.

    Not having a Bio at all

    “I am actually x years old”

  17. Any of the following:

    – I won’t date you unless…

    – I’m a bad bitch

    – Full time job: baby mamma

    – You need to do X for me

    – Swipe left unless…

    – Selfie pictures with effects to cover up their natural look

    – Bio with any type of social media link

    – Referring to her pets as children

  18. A list of things they don’t want. Or their profile is just complaining about how all men suck. A profile full of negativity will always get left swipe from me.

  19. Been a while since online dating but a think I constantly hated were low effort, non specific stuff. Example

    “I love music and watchkng movies with my friends, and food! looking for a man who will share my interests”

    Okay, loving music means jack shit since most people wouldn’t they like music. Does this mean you’re in a band, play an instrument, go to shows, like metal, EDM, country, pop?

    What type of movie? Again most people enjoy movies but what genre, style, are you an art house lover or popcorn munching blockbuster fan?

    Everyone likes food, are you a chef, a baker, a pitmaster, a food blogger, a glutton, an adventurer, etc…

    They used so many words to tell us nothing, and expect us to highlight our compatibility.

  20. Specifically for the bio I’ve gotten pretty desensitized, but there’s a few instant lefts for me (as a 25 yo):

    Having kids

    Another partner

    I don’t mind weed, but if your profile only mentions weed, or has a bunch of emojis about it.

    High-horsing or bitching

    Self professed mess/problem/trash

    Wondering why you’re on this app (or saying you’re barely on here)

    Only having a handle for another app

    That said, if you have a one or two minor red flags and present well in your photos, I may swipe right anyway just to give things a chance. But you’re starting on a bad foot at that point.

  21. “all I want is a guy to touch my butt and buy me pizza” that was doing the rounds a few years ago when I was on tinder. It was irksome.

  22. A list of demands is always a turn off.

    Saying “I never look at this app.” Whats the point of havin it then?

    “No filter, say it how it is.”

  23. Things that are extrenely generic but they think makes them unique

    Yes brenda everyone loves food, travel, dogs, adventure, banter, and charcuterie boards

  24. tl;dr: Know your reason for being on the app and present your best self that represents that reason

    Years ago when I was on Tinder there were very specific subjective things that bothered me. I am going to preface this with, I met my wife on Tinder and she is absolutely amazing.

    I hated seeing generic things that really told me nothing. “I love life”, “Carpe Diem”, “looking for a partner in crime”, etc. I also felt that having height and profession requirements demonstrated a sign of being close minded. I personally looked for somebody who was driven but also could laugh. There is a fine line of that balance.

    Now with that said, do not ignore the picture choice either. If somebody looked manufactured in all of their pictures it was a no. In other words, all of the pictures were just the girl out with friends, everything was posed, or every picture was basically the same. Again personal preferences here but bleached hair, tan, trendy clothes, made up in every picture made me question if this person knew who they really were and what they actually wanted.

    I feel that there is a really underrated aspect to the setup of Tinder: you are given a short paragraph and five or so pictures to say who you are, make use of your precious words and pictures. Know your reason for being on the app as well. If you just want to have a good time, more power to you and be up front about it. If you are desperately trying to find somebody to marry and have kids with, get off the app and reconsider what you want your life to look like. If you care about meeting interesting people, whether they become partner or friend, present who you really are in both your pictures and profile. You are there for a reason so present your best self for that purpose.

  25. Putting “Toxic 🤪😈🤫” or something like it in their bio. Good job, idiot, you’re bragging about being toxic

  26. Tell me about yourself! 99% of profiles are some variation of *I like drinking wine* and *I like hikes* and *I like holidays and beaches*. Live laugh love etc

  27. “Impress me” “be interesting” examples of people who can conversely do neither of those things

  28. For me the two common biggies are negativity/man bashing (ie “prove to me that not all men are worthless”) and ‘dance for me, monkeys’ (ie “make me laugh” or “don’t bother taking me to drinks if we aren’t ordering food”)

  29. Any mention of the word Sarcasm repels me.

    Along with any of the other basic, uncreative things women out in their bios like “will probably like your dog more than I like you”

  30. When they whine about men as a whole.

    You’re supposed to advertise yourself in your bio.
    Why would any self respecting man want engage with a woman who has a bio which is just hating on men and whiny about men

    That’s like me applying for jobs but then hating on employers

    I once matched with a woman on tinder that had a bio saying “I think all men are bad people. Be the one to prove me wrong”…. 🤦 how about no. I don’t owe her anything nor prove anything

    Again thats like me putting in every job application description “I think all employers are bad people. Hire me to prove me wrong” and thinking that will achieve something.

    Also saw another women’s tagline on pof saying “Men are gross”.. yet she is seeking a long term relationship with a man or another one saying “Don’t message me”…. on a dating app where she is seeking a man…. WTF

    I will never understand women who have bios which make them come off as very hostile, grumpy, stuck up and entitled and think that comes off as attractive. Who view themselves as Queens/Princess and seem to look down on all men and think they are above other women

    Also bios that say stuff like “Treat me like a queen”….. screams entitlement

    I don’t know about other men but the whole MEN BAD stuff is super off putting to me. Don’t care gow attractive the woman is. Why would I want to get to know someone who already dislikes me for my gender?

    I tend to actually like the women on there with happy bubbly bios who have non flitered authentic pictures of themselves because when you message them. They are way more nice and seem more interesting to converse with. Even when they aren’t interested. All these heavily flirted self entitled misandristic princesses online are way off putting.

  31. Goes for anyone’s profile:

    It’s a list of demands, rather than a profile about you

    (Ex. “Be fun. Don’t be boring. If you aren’t going to the gym, swipe left” versus “I’m into painting, running, and baking”)

    Tell people about YOURSELF. Your profile is not a checklist

  32. Why is dating so complicated. I feel like we all play these games and do social gymnastics to get to the core of what we want. Why don’t we all just say exactly what we’re looking for and exactly how we feel instead of dancing around it.

  33. “5’2 but my attitude 6’3”

    “Be able to maintain a conversation”

    “Be original, don’t just say hi”

    Any quip about that fergalicious song and needing another person to do the other part.

  34. – No bio
    -‘I don’t use tinder that much, talk to me on insta’
    -‘travel, reading, eating ❤️’

    Fucking sucks to try to talk to someone when they don’t even know what to talk about

  35. Snap chat filters. I haven’t been on a dating app in a couple years but I always hated snap chat filters. It’s childish, unoriginal, and makes it harder to tell how she really looks.

    On the plus side, it’s an easy way to disqualify a person so there’s that

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