Met a new classmate who seemed into me, grabbed lunch with her after class once and yesterday we went on a little trip together. We were brushing on each other physically as well as teasing, so I thought I should go for a kiss at the end of the “date”. When I asked however she just went “ew no”

Super confused if she just wasn’t into me to begin with or it was too fast/abrupt. Did I mess up? What do I do from here?

  1. If she’s saying ew, then clearly you’re Mis reading a tonne of signals. But for future reference, u need to prep with other touching, do some playful dancing, lift her up, thumb war, palm read, twirl, whatever stupid excuse u can find. But I’d move on from this girl

  2. Always start with hand holding imo. If she doesn’t wanna hold hands, she won’t want anything further.

  3. Might have been too soon, you didn’t necessarily mess up. Just brush it off like it never happened and keep it moving.

    However, my piece of advice – never go in for a kiss at the end of a date. Too much pressure, unromantic setting. If you haven’t kissed already, save it for another time.

    You should be kissing them halfway through the date.

    But yeah like a lunch date, usually the opportunity to kiss won’t come up, so don’t force it.

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