I recently had a wonderful experience of a lifetime which has turned into a horrible mess. I’m 34/m/pansexual, and I recently met maybe the most beautiful and connected human friend only a week ago and she invited me over for cuddles because she wanted my company.

The main point of this experience was that I froze when I didn’t have the confidence to talk about the possibility that I have a genital wart on my genitals from unprotected sex in my past. I had a 1mm tiny lump come up recently maybe 6 months, It is so small that I didn’t think much of it, my penis is very textured on the tip and the lump is very very small. But the real problem is, is that I ignored it.

While we were in the moment after I had just got her end off after giving her oral and use of my fingers to fully release all her tension she was caressing my dick with her hand. I didn’t even think about the lump but when she went down on me she noticed a thing on her tongue and noticed the tiny thing on my penis asking if I knew what this was, I replied that “it has been there and that it hasn’t shown other symptoms of STI’s, it just seems to be a tiny skin tag”. She wasn’t very impressed and asked me “when I last got an STI check-up?” I responded “2020” which was last in my home city, not where I am now.

I feel like dying because I also managed to contract tonsilitis during this love-making session.

I was wondering if my embarrassment got the better of me. And if so, What is the proper way to bring up possible STIs, in the nicest way possible? Or What should I have done differently?

Thanks Reddit, please help me, I literally have no confidence to talk to my friends because I’m so fucking embarrassed.

  1. Imo it’s best to simply bring it up beforehand, once you suspect a relationship is turning sexual and use protection. HPV can’t be cured but it can be treated.

  2. Don’t worry about talking about them, you have a moral obligation and duty to simply not engage with anyone else even if your remotely believe that you are carrying any form of STD/STI. I really don’t understand how you could let her begin to give you oral when you were in full knowledge of the likelihood of you having one and then to lie to her when she came across it, even worse was that you gave her oral so knew the likelihood of what would possibly happen next and still allowed her. Deplorable

  3. > Or What should I have done differently?


    You discuss STI status well before you do anything sexual.

    You get tested between partners – have you not had any sexual contact between 2020 and now?

    If you have sudden growths on your genitalia, you have them checked out.

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