F 23, I’ve been having a lot of fantasies where I’ll only do certain things for or to men if I think Its pleasing them or something they want me to do to them. I’ve tried this before doing something for a guy I liked thinking that’s what they wanted and it of course really turned me on. But now I’m not sure if this just a normal thing people experience but being praised in that way just makes me feel a certain way. Is it praise kink or is it a just wanting validation from men or is it normal?

  1. I am similar, but I believe it is a control thing for me. I like the thought of being responsible for my partner’s pleasure. I can only assume it is normal, everyone has their likes/dislikes after all.

  2. I mean, in some sense a praise kink *is* a desire for validation. It’s not as if those two things can be fully separated from each other. People think kinks are these isolated scientific structures in the mind but they’re just as messy, interconnected, and influenced by your past experiences as every other part of the personality.

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