How do I tell him that I want a serious relationship? from relationships

Original post |

Me(20), Him (25)

Alright, so the day after I had posted the original post. Him and I talked about the fact that I had developed feelings for him. He said to me that he’d rather keep us as is and not have a serious relationship because he doesn’t want to get his heart involved too much. We had talked about the possibility of me moving away to another state for medical school. We didn’t talk about it at all since that first talk. Today, I broke the news that I had gotten accepted to the one that is in our city. He congratulated and hugged me and decided to take me out to dinner with his family. As I was leaving we hugged and he whispered in my ear,” I love you.” And did not want to let me go from his grasp. It caught me offguard entirely and I feel bad now that I said nothing back. I don’t do well with the first “I love you” in any of my relationships. It took me 2 months to say it back to my ex after he first said it because I was so unsure.

TLDR; He did not want a serious relationship due to the possibility of me leaving but now that he knows I’m here to stay he said,” I love you.”

1 comment
  1. My guess is that he resisted developing strong feelings since it sounded like you would be leaving for school. He figured (even unconsciously) that he would lose you to someone else nearby, so he sought to protect himself, if that makes sense. Since now, you will be nearby, he feels more comfortable allowing feelings to develop. He is not wholly unjustified in feeling that way since LDR rarely work out. New info (you are staying) means new relationship dynamic. I hope it works out for you both.

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