How do you feel when a male friend gets you an expensive birthday present?

  1. Generally, a bit awkward. I’m not really big into birthday presents, so it would seem like a lot. My SO and I don’t even really exchange birthday gifts, so a big gift from a friend would be awkward.

  2. It depends, does he have a great job and likes to buy lavish gifts for his friends or am I the exception? That would make me feel awkward.

    Some people just like to spoil their family and friends and if that’s the case I wouldn’t mind.

  3. Uncomfortable, and gender has nothing to do with it. Anytime someone asks me if they can get me a gift, I’ll decline. I don’t like it when people spend money on me.

  4. Never seen a man get a woman an expensive birthday present unless it’s a car and they’re already together.

  5. It would make me very uncomfortable and would be difficult to accept the present. Unless they were very financially blessed and spread the wealth with others, there’s 100% a different message behind that gift.

  6. Uncomfortable. Unless he split it with other people, I don’t feel comfortable accepting it. I’m already not a big fan of gifts so getting something worth a lot makes it even worse.

  7. I have one male friend who I met early on in my career who is very special to me. Without fail every year he sends me an obnoxiously large bouquet of my favourite flowers on my birthday. At first I felt it was over the top and unnecessary and told him so. He’s an extremely generous and giving man, and gets a lot of pleasure making the people he loves feel special. He told me to zip my lip and accept his friendship and love. So I do.

  8. Depends. If they like me, then I assume it’s a romantic gift. If they don’t show signs of liking men it’s a normal gift.

  9. It depends on the relationship. My best friend is a guy and he’s always bought me expensive presents. He’s not close to his family and I’m practically the only family he has. After college I was really poor so he spoiled me with expensive presents. I’m closer to him than my own brother. As we’ve gotten older and I’ve made more money, I’ve reciprocated and give him some expensive gifts as well. We’ve never dated and there hasn’t been an interest either.

  10. Grateful and appreciative.
    I have a guy friend who buys me amazing gifts. I’ve purchased nice gifts for him and his family as well.

    To all the women who answered ‘guilty’ or ‘awkward’, is there a particular reason why?

  11. As long as it is in his budget, the handful of times it has happened I haven’t really felt weird about it. I trust my male friends to know boundaries and they know me well enough to know I wouldn’t tolerate anyone trying to manipulate me with gifts.

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