I met a guy online and having been talking for a couple weeks. We live about 5 hours away from each other and he was planning on visiting me in about a month (this is the soonest we could see each other).

We FaceTimed a couple days ago and talked about the trip and it was all planned it. Next day I didn’t hear anything from it but no big deal. I texted him the following day and he read my message and no response.

So what makes someone seemingly lost interests overnight after being so excited to see you?

  1. Don’t panic. You never know what’s going on the other side. And from the guys perspective, we have stuff to do that at the moment captivates our interest and we forget to answer the message.

    What I would do is lay low for two or three days then ask again. If he sees again, lay low and wait a bit then try to call him.

  2. If someone wants to talk to you, they will. I’ve been ghosted after plans made so many times, in the last year alone lol.

    That kind of jarring, lots of attention then nothing at all, is really strange. There may be a good reason for it but until they tell you what it is, there’s nothing you can do but move along. Chalk up the time you spent as a good time and start searching for the next.

    Casual, disposable culture is very real these days. Gotta kiss a lot of frogs. Law of large numbers.

    Ghosting is a common thing now. Try to look for red flags, keep your heart open but guarded, and enjoy another day on Planet Weird.

    PS they could be married, or just cheating, also ridiculously common. No matter the reason, that’s their business until they choose to make it yours, and you’re receptive to the contact. Don’t wallow or wonder, it’s a waste of your very precious time. ♥️

  3. Same happened to me but with a girl, but what happened was that she met a guy at the disco and just dumped me basically after a month we were dating

  4. It could literally be anything. There’s absolutely no point wondering what it is. Move on.

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