I matched with a girl on bumble bff. We both of fans of Kanye West on our music list. She messaged me and said “hey, I love Kanye too”. I said that I knew his personality can kind of be a dumpster fire, but that his music is so good. Then she responded “eh we all struggle with mental health, not gonna hold it against him.” Idk how to respond/if I should respond. I feel really bad for what Kim Kardashian is going thru right now. He’s been harassing and threatening her.I don’t know how to articulate that with someone I just met. Is there anything I can say? How can I change subjects? Or should I just not keep the conversation going?

Tl;dr said something that offended someone on a complex subject, not sure how to salvage conversation

1 comment
  1. “Who else do you listen to?” / “Going to any live music this fall?” / “Do you think it’s possible to love rap music and pumpkin spice lattes?”

    You just met. Both of you said rather reasonable enough things but I don’t think you need to dive into the nuance of abusive behaviors, manic periods, and mental illness.

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