I’m always the one who keeps the conversation going too long and will never end it, even though I’m literally the one who wanted it to end after 30 seconds. I have like 2 good convos in me a day and then I’m tapped. Just don’t know how to do it without using the atrocious method of “Time to get back to work” or “I need to run”. Everyone hates it I hate it, I’m sure you guys hate it to. It’s like riding a bike without not know how to brake accept for throwing yourself sideways, meanwhile my conversation partner is watching in horror as I crash into the curb.


How can I leave the conversation *actually smoothly* without making my conversation partners feel like I’m braining them a passive aggressive brick?

1 comment
  1. Honestly just say what you feel like or say nothing. Conversation enders don’t really have anything to
    add or leave any impression in conversations. I think you’re just overthinking it and I don’t mind tbh if anyone says nothing or anything to end the convo since when no one talks that’s the end right? If you wanna do something else to stop it then anyone would understand unless they’re addicted to you or something.

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