I’m currently in my late 20s and recently have come to face the truth and realized that I’ve always been too cowardly to live out my dream life.

I’ve lived a decent life, but realized I always tried to compensate my lack of self-belief/confidence by working my ass off instead. I kept telling myself, “I’m not good enough yet,” when even the people around me were all telling me that I was already great. I never asked out the girls I actually wanted to date because I thought I had to be greater. I never took the jump to pursue my dream career (although the stars were all aligned for me) and I told myself I needed to be better before starting.

Now I just want to start going for everything I want fearlessly.

  1. It gets better year after year. Every time, someone told me “these are your best years”, and every time, it just got better.

  2. It’s never about age, it’s about the personal growth you experience. I went through the “I want to start going for everything” phase of my life in my mid to late 20s. It’s invigorating and makes you feel a strong sense of self. Once you get past that is when things started looking up for me because I had done everything I wanted to do. Then I really settled into myself.

  3. 18.

    Got my shit together, stopped fucking around, focused on goals that I set up for myself.

  4. 26, I moved abroad to teach ESL in China, found out I liked teaching, living abroad and met a crazy host of diverse friends who helped me open up and become a better person.

    Life of course continues to get better but that was a turning point where I went from being an involuntary introvert mired in melancholy to the fairly happy extrovert that I always wanted to be.

  5. 27. Decided I need a clean break from pretty much every area of my life. Booked a one way ticket and lived in a different country for a year. Best thing I could have done. Ever. Changed my life and how I see myself. Go for it, you won’t regret it!

  6. You’re talking like you’re 60 years old, dude, your life hasn’t even begun yet, 99% of people haven’t done shit at 20, get out there and go for it. I was 25 when everything really came together for me.

  7. Probably when you stop trying to get validations from reddit or any other social medias, your life might get better.

  8. As a young man. I’m 32, it got better at 30. Even though I’m at a bit of a low point to losing an so to cancer, my life is still very good

  9. I think life only really gets better after you’ve graduated from college and landed a job in your field or completed a trade. Before then it’s all grind and hard work to get to where you want to be.

    I just got my associates and I’m starting a job at a consulting firm. I wish I had my bachelors but I don’t so I’m taking what I can get. Get your money up and life gets better cause it sucks when your broke.

  10. 2020 is actually my best year, its a shame 2021 and 2022 weren’t really so.

    felt stuck even though i got a major break from working on a gig i truly love

  11. I did the exact same thing as you – worked my ass off throughout my 20s and early 30s.

    Didn’t holiday, sacrificed relationships, etc.

    Burnt out, quit, moved overseas when I was 35.

    Started a business, almost lost it during COVID, now crushing it.

    Amazing friends, great lifestyle, lots of travel.

    It’s never too late.

  12. I’m in my 50’s. 54 this week.

    Everyone fears their 30’s because they view it as a loss of youth, but if speaking for myself and my homies, 30 was the decade where everything started to make sense.

  13. 30ish. I got divorced and realized my entire life didn’t have to be about always walking on eggshells while living with a volatile, financially abusive, gas-lighting, argumentative person. That same year, I got a job where I started making money and could actually save some instead of constantly dumping it all into credit card and tax debt. Then, after reconnecting with all my friends that had been cut out of my life, I was introduced to an incredibly kind and smart woman and we’ve been together ever since.

  14. Thirty-five. That’s when I got out of my ill-conceived marriage and moved away from the shithole city I used to live in.

  15. 24/25. I am 27 now. I moved into my own flat at 21 and was living payslip to payslip regularly going -£200/£300 into my overdraft every month. I went from being a hotel concierge into an office job. Since I came back from furlough in July 2020 my professional career has gone forward in leaps and bounds. I was offered a position in my company that only I do and put my own stamp on it and made it succeed, as a result of that I was made a supervisor last week and am financially secure.

    I moved into my own house 12 months ago with my long term gf and we have 2 cats who I love dearly.

    I don’t know if it’s the same for other people but now I’m nearing my 30’s I feel much more self assured, I am who I am, I’m confident and bar the odd family struggle or other mundane obstacles I now feel like I’m more the finished article than I did 10 years ago.

    Natural mental development due to ageing is something to look forward to if you’re a teen or young adult I promise.

  16. You are a bit young for a midlife crisis. You really are advanced!!

    Life gets better when you learn to accept that you are not going to live the perfect life. There will always be things you missed. There will always be other paths you will wonder about. It doesnt mean you’ve failed, it just means that life is not a video game where somebody scores you and you get to replay until you’ve finished everything.

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