I (32F) met a guy (33M) on a dating site. We went out on Wednesday and asked to see me again that Friday.

I feel like both dates went well and he kissed me before I went home last night. He asked me to text him when I got home, so I did. I said “home. Thanks for spending time with me tonight, it was really great.” No response. I waited until almost 1pm today text him again—totally breaking my “don’t double text rule.”

I already know that no response is a response, but I’m really bummed about this one. I’m going over everything I said wondering what scared him off.

I don’t really need advice, I guess…just kicking myself for some unknown social cue I didn’t pick up on or perhaps trampled over. Anyway. I’m gonna take a nap now.

  1. Hey, you didn’t do anything wrong or be overbearing. Sometimes they’re just not that into you. That’s ok. Doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. Its not overbearing to double text if you’re into them, bc if they were as into you – it would be enthusiastically received. Stop kicking yourself and just go on a new date.

  2. I’d text again. You did nothing wrong. My guess is he’s not into it but you may get clarity or he may be waiting for you to reach out. It’s all nonsense.

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