What’s your cheapest hobby?

  1. Mobility work. Idk if it’s classified as a “hobby” or really more of a lifestyle, but it sure is affordable.

  2. Foraging. It literally costs me nothing and still gets me food that I woukd have to pay stupid amounts of money for it a top end restaraunt. You want samphire’ asparagus’ sea beet’ porchini’ chantarells etc? I get all that for nothing. Even get opium for free if I was so Inclined

  3. I’m a writer. I get paid to do it, so I guess that means it’s the cheapest, since it costs me nothing.

  4. Hiking

    Not into it enough to warrant any special equipment, just grab a bottle of water and pay for whatever gas it takes to drive to nearby trails.

  5. Probably video games. I wait for new games to drop in price and don’t spend much on accessories. And spend nothing for add ons.

  6. Scrapping electronics. Everything is either dirt cheap because it’s salvage, or free because it crapped out.

  7. Dunno if I can count it as a hobby, but I am enjoying it…Stretching and body workouts. Spend $0. (Push ups, Burpees, Hip thrusts, etc)

  8. Video games.

    I don’t do subscriptions but play ‘long term’ games, so I get massive hours-per-dollar, even ignoring the totally free games.

    Paying ~$40 for a game (so not buying brand new AAA), unless you’re playing some eXpErIeNcE that’s only ~10 hours, you get a lot of hours for not a lot of money.

  9. Back when I was into it, World of Warcraft. $15/month for the sub for months on end. Most of the extra expenses (computer, internet, headset) were also used for many other aspects of my life, and I never had the best equipment anyways.

  10. Chess. Lichess is free, and there is a wealth of free educational content to study to your heart’s content.

  11. Walking. Literally going for a walk. Sure it probably is time I could spend making money, and it definitely adds wear and tear to my footwear, but the being it’s to my health, both physical and mental, offset that tenfold. Even just a 30 minute walk once or twice a week has a ton of benefits and has pretty insignificant costs for me.

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