This guy I went out with told his bestfriend he had a nice date with me. We only went out once and he told me this today when I saw him again.

  1. Like another commenter said, maybe a little odd he told you that he told his friend, but I usually tell my close friends the slightest change in my dating life lmfao

  2. Not weird that he told his friend about you. But not common for him to tell you that he told his friend. Think he sees potential for long term and he wants you to know that?

  3. Everybody does that .. If you don’t, you don’t have a best friend, or you’re a very private person.

  4. brother when im on a date and my bros know they wont stop texting me. Yeah I’d talk to them about it, good or bad. Wouldn’t you to your friends?

  5. My now partner flew home to his family after our second date and he told all his family and friends from back home about me at that point. I thought it was kinda cute that he was so excited about it all.

  6. Yes? Obviously? Why would that be weird? Did you not tell your best friend you went on a date?

  7. the fact that he mentioned it to you, to me, just shows that he wanted to convey how much he enjoyed it

  8. No it’s not weird normally we share things to our friends even if it’s a flop, so no. I think he meant good intentions

  9. No that’s completely normal. I would tell a friend if I was going on a date then tell them how it went

  10. Not weird at all, he enjoyed spending time with you and told to a close friend. Take this as a huge compliment 😊

  11. I think that he was trying to say that he really enjoyed the date because he even told his friend about it.

  12. Mate, everything regarding women is discussed among male friends, if they’re close enough. Same goes for women, when it comes to discussing men.

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