so i have this friend and some other people made up a nickname for her, which is mama. not like mamas or mommy but mama. it isn’t in a sexual way and i don’t think it or have sexual feelings for this girl, (as a woman myself) but i actually enjoy calling her mama and it weirdly makes me happy when, for example, i see her and say “good morning mama” and she says “oh good morning” in like a motherly/seggcy like tone (idk how to explain it) and it makes me happy… so do i have a mommy kink?? (well in this case mama)

1 comment
  1. That’s not enough to claim a kink, and I have a Daddy. You can have a non-sexual caregiver kink, maybe it just hasn’t developed. It doesn’t mean anything you don’t want it to. It can be reassuring. If you do pursue it as a kink there is no wrong way to do it. Everything is negotiable.

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