On Thursday night I (26F) went on a really great date with a guy from Hinge (27M), and we ended up going back to his place after. We engaged in foreplay for around 10 minutes, but it reached a point where I wanted him so badly that I just couldn’t wait any longer. I then said to him “I want you inside me”. I’m very inexperienced and it just came out in the heat of the moment. The sex was amazing for me, and he definitely seemed to be enjoying himself too, but I just feel like what I said beforehand was so embarrassing and cringey. I stayed over afterwards (as it was extremely late), he cuddled me all night, and we had a cute breakfast the next morning, but he hasn’t texted me since I left his place. He said on the date (before we slept together) that he wants to see me again but he’s very busy with work at the moment and is actually going to be in another city for two weeks. However, the fact that there’s been ZERO contact, not even a checking in text, is suspicious. I can’t help but wonder if my mortifying comment gave him the ick and that’s why he hasn’t contacted me. It’s bothering me so much, especially seeing as I really liked him.

So to the guys (and girls) of Reddit, do you think what I said was embarrassing and cringey? How would you respond if someone said “I want you inside me” to you? Would it make you want to ghost them?

  1. I’m a man and I’ve heard girls say this a lot. I would say it’s actually quite common. you shouldn’t worry about it too much

  2. It’s almost certain that it’s nothing to do with what you said. If anything that’s a plus. He probably found it sexy AF.

    At a guess the dude was only wanting a hook up.

    Don’t take it personal, happens to the very vest of us.

  3. I’ve said that, it’s fine, communication during sex is good. Have you tried communicating with him after, like hey I had a good time, do you wanna do this again and have another date? Or just putting it all on him? You’re not losing anything by reaching out.

  4. No it’s not cringe. I always say that when I’m super Horny. Men think it’s hot, that u desire them. If he doesn’t contact you it’s Bc he only wanted a hook up.

  5. Common phrase and I personally find it hot when a woman says what she wants. U did nothing wrong.

  6. Personally, I’d love hearing that from a date. It vocalizes your interest and consent so there’s no misunderstandings, and that’s sexy AF!

    Why not reach out to him? A “Need to feel you inside me again” text would definitely get my attention.

  7. What you said to your guy in the heat of the moment was absolutely perfect. Seriously. Never be embarrassed about being authentic with your guy. If he has a problem with that, I would get away as fast as possible. I would absolutely love it. So hot and sexy.

  8. Nothing mortifying about it, I’d be thrilled to hear that, those moments get etched in the best part of memory for me. Trust me, I doubt this was a problem.

    That said, sorry he’s not texting. I hate the classic roles/norms/rules/games put around modern dating, like who is supposed to text first.The only advice i give ppl in situations like this is, act how u want/hope they would act. Take the initiative. Most ppl are afraid to make themselves vulnerable, it feels like giving the other person too much power. I recommend just saying “that was great, I would like to see u again” or the like to get the ball rolling. It puts the ball in their court to follow up with any more plans, lets them know u would be interested, may help them get over any similar insecurities they might have been wrestling with, and regardless u can continue the hunt for a replacement while he figures himself out.


  9. Just going to add to the sea of people here saying that isn’t a mortifying comment. Seriously, “I want you inside me” is foreplay dirty talk 101, most guys find it exciting. If you thought you made it up, sorry to say you reinvented the wheel.

  10. > So to the guys (and girls) of Reddit, do you think what I said was embarrassing and cringey?

    Hell no!

    >How would you respond if someone said “I want you inside me” to you?

    I would have to control myself so I didn’t orgasm right that second.

    After our first date I was giving her head until she couldn’t stand it anymore and screamed out something similar. It’s a good thing she was already coming hard because I didn’t last long after that. It was about the hottest thing I’ve ever heard and experienced. 🔥💦

    >Would it make you want to ghost them?

    Ghost her? Are you kidding me? We’ve been married nearly 40 years.🙌

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