I work at Giant supermarket as a cart attendant. I’m a 26 year old man. I often see a girl who is kind of cute in the break room. She works in the deli. She seems pretty friendly from what I’ve gathered but I’m not sure if it would be odd for me to sit next to her & start a conversation with her. Do you think she would mind since we work in different departments? I am not planning on asking her out or anything. I will be strictly professional and just do small talk about work. I haven’t talked to her yet even though I’ve seen her several times since I started working here 4 months ago. What should I do?

(Also I’m aware of the general advice not to date your co-workers. I am not planning to date her yet, just get to know her better and then if we are compatible then maybe I would consider later down the line when I’ve moved on to another job).

  1. I’ll make this easy for you, there are steps to follow:

    – See her in the break room
    – say hi

    Go get em 👍

  2. Remember they are just people, like everyone else said just talk to them. Focus on the conversation and just relax. No expectations, just conversation.

  3. Remember to think how you’d be able to handle working around them if things go in another direction.

    My personal opinion is to be friends with them so if one of you quits it’s less risky to ask them on a date right after.
    Some women anticipate bad reactions from men when they get rejected.

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