I’m a 22F currently dating a 28M. We met through one of his guy friends and we ended up having a lot of things in common. We took it slow because of our long distance (we live 2 and a half hours away from each other)and I’m in school full time and i also work full time. He works from Monday to Saturday (till 4pm) . While I don’t work on weekends so I’m able to go and see him and he comes during the days I’m exhausted and stuff. So this past week we decided to take our relationship to the next level (physically) .

We did the deed and it was TERRIBLE on my side. He was so happy had a smile on his face the whole time before we fell asleep. I figured since its the first time maybe i ddnt communicate enough on what I wanted. The next morning he wants some, we do it again. It was bad like so bad and i was vocal about what i wanted. Since i was free the whole week i planned to have a conversation with him on Saturday over dinner. The first deed was on Tuesday second on Wednesday. His friends tell us about an afternoon party which sounded fun so we decided to go. On that day i met my ex there. He saw i had long nails and said “i see that he has no scratches on him,is it that bad?” I ignore him and leave but in my heart i was like see its not just me. I’m a freak in the sheets but i need you to step up so that i can have the confidence!!! The rest of the night my ex keeps teasing me about it and he shows me on of the scars i left on him which he treasures for some weird reason and i decide to go home.

I leave my guy and his friends to party on. In the morning i leave him sleeping and go out for lunch with my friends who tell me they went to the party after i had just left. They met my ex and he was making fun of my current man. I go back to my guy’s house and he’s livid. My ex and him apparently met and had a full blown conversation about me and my skills. (Basically my ex bragging about the things he did to me and how I’m disappointed in bed by him and its evident to everyone) my guy blames for all of this but I don’t know what to do? (Advice)
Ps: my ex and i were together for 2.and a half years we had mutual friends who we did almost everything together. So kind of everyone knew each other’s business!

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