I just broke up with my (ex) gf. I think one of the worst things to do after a situation like this is to be alone, so here I am. I’ll spare people the endless details, but overall it was because she got abusive when she got sad/depressed/insecure/angry, and sometimes she was just mean regardless. She was also very sweet and caring at other times, she often gave me gifts, and she loved to give/receive physical affection. More a confused/immature human being than an abusive one, really. Ultimately, the gap between our paths in life became too wide to bridge, at least at this point in my life.

I broke up for my own happiness and mental well-being, so I feel confident about my future. Just wanted to share, since I don’t have many friends to talk about this with.

Edit: she also started spreading lies about me to other people and mutual friends.

  1. Good riddance, it will get better 🙂 do things you enjoy and don’t forget to take care of yourself (personal hygiene, eating healthy ect.)

  2. Sounds like you made the right choice, I’ve been in a similar situation. Not worth dealing with someone else’s volatility if it’s impacting your own well-being. Take your time and just go through the motions, you’ll be better for it in afew weeks

  3. You accepted her , it’s your fault. You should forgive anything she did to you and stop saying negative things about her. Next time you get a girl , make the decision to accept happily whatever she brings
    To the table good or bad and don’t complain at all.

  4. There are 2 sides to every breakup, somewhere in the middle you may find the truth….

  5. I’m so sorry that can be hard regardless of the reason. My ex husband broke up with me. I’m still not completely sure why. I know we had issues communicating, we both weren’t giving each other what we needed. He believed I would hurt our son, which would never happen. I’ve had mental issues but I’ve never been violent. I’m pretty passive actually.

    But these things happen for a reason. I would explain further but I’ve learned somethings just shouldn’t be shared. This is my past and that is where it will stay in my past. I wish my ex best of luck in life but I’m ready to move on and find the one God had for me.

    So we can co-parent together but that is as far as it will ever go at this point in my life.

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