So I’m relatively new to this position but love it. An area I’m struggling with is how to insert into her while she’s lying on her belly.

Are your legs outside hers and she has them quite spread while her ass is elevated? Or are your legs In between hers?

  1. My legs are outside of hers. If she’s wet, she shouldn’t have to spread her legs very much at all. She usually just elevates her ass, reaches down, and guides me as I push my way in.

  2. Oh this is my man’s favorite. He just slides on top of me and pushes in. His body is on mine. I usually push my ass up a bit. His legs are outside of mine. Sometimes when I wrap my ankles around each other (sorry don’t know how to explain this in English but maybe wrapping my legs makes most sense?) I become tighter–or it makes me feel tighter to him.

  3. Your legs outside of hers. Her legs can be barely spread apart at all and you can get in, this does depend on how much thigh and booty she has but she shouldn’t need to spread much. She elevates the booty a bit to help you in and then you should be good.

  4. Your legs on the outside. Squish her legs together. That’s the best.

    You could elevate her ass a bit. The easiest way is to get a pillow, fold it in half and stuff it under her hips. That way she doesn’t need to pop it up.

  5. You can start in doggy and then lean forward with a pillow under her hips. Your choice if you want to be between her legs or outside of it

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