I hate that I’m a 21-year-old male with social skills of a dog. I hate that nobody takes me seriously, I hate that I’m all alone on campus and lack of social interaction is deteriorating my mental health. Tbh I’ve never had any real friends or a girlfriend because I’m too weird to be taken seriously. I’m too boring and I have no interests that interest people, I’m a plain weirdo, I have ADHD but undiagnosed since therapy is expensive and I’m a broke student. I have nobody to turn to here since I’m far from anyone I know. I’m just so depressed, I never get a full nights sleep, I’m so tired right now. Why am I like this

  1. Im on college too,, just be talkative, just fake it like you were friend with them, dont be awkward, talk whatever thing you want to talk(seriously just talk whatever thing that show in your head) invite them to go hangout on weekend

    If they dont want to be your friend find another person just dont feel worthless,, you are worth as anyone else

    About anxiety just be mindful ,,, if you afraid get judged that’s mean those people arent your friend

  2. i am too 21 year old female.i m extremely introvert and sometimes i also used to get anxiety around people. But,when i started to do some exercise,walked in outdoors and do some activity outside my home,it helped.i suggest you to be positive and have self confident. no one in this world is perfect but we should never underestimate ourselves. i hope it helps.all the best.

  3. Do something every day that’ll put you on the right track. Practice talking to other people, especially if you get anxiety you should just see it as a chance to improve. College is the best place and you still have time to make the most out of it. You just need to believe it’s worth the effort.

  4. Just a very small thing that can help: exercise. Maybe you are already doing it but if not try working out. It helps releasing stress, improves mental health and your physique. You are also between people.

    For being worthless, don’t think that. You should maybe start trying to take steps towards improvement. On ADHD, maybe find youtube videos that click for you, for talking with people try every once in a while.

    I work with a guy who told me he was in a similar mindstate that you describe, and is doing better now. I still hear him say these things about him self that are way too negative. It think he is a really cool and interesting guy though. He has friends now with similar interests and also still struggles with ADHD but knows better how to cope.

    Start and keep going, a lot of small steps eventually are big steps too. I hope you will be in a better place soon!

  5. Here’s the problem. You have all this energy in you, maybe it’s intense or painful, and you don’t want to feel it. So the strategy for not feeling it is that the mind bacially just tells these disparaging stories about who it thinks you are (it’s wrong) and about who you need to be or what you need to be like. If you could just be that person then you would it have to feel how you feel. So it’s a constant state of avoiding how you feel and reinforcing bullshit stories about you. It’s not that people don’t take you seriously… It’s that people are joining you in this habit of self rejection.

    To be clear, what you are rejecting is whatever shows up in the present moment.

    The solution is to let these stories go.. all of them, and to allow yourself to feel how you feel. If there’s painful emotion feel it and let it be there. Treat it like a guest. Send it love. When the mind tells you to change, say.. get lost, I’m going to be how I am in this moment. This is self-acceptace. And when you accept yourself, people start to treat you with respect.

  6. >I hate that I’m a 21-year-old male with social skills of a dog.

    I am sorry to tell you this, but most dogs have excellent social skills.

  7. Being 21 is really hard man. Be kind to yourself, you’re entering adulthood, its a tough road ahead, and thinking of yourself in this way will do you few favors. Ive been socially inept my entire life, ive gotten good at recognizing other weirdos that get me and speak my same language. Give yourself some time, and care, surely then things will get better.

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