sometimes in university, or someone I encounter semi-regularly. I either ignore them or slowly blink at them so they know I appreciate their gesture (I actually learned this from cats and parrots, I dont know if humans actually like them). However, these seem like the wrong approach somehow. any tips?

  1. I tend to collapse on the floor and have a seizure usually but you could try something else like smiling back

  2. Bro code nod for maximum confusion.

    You seem hyper aware of the interaction. I’m not too different and sometimes have no energy for a interaction.

    Are you depressed or on the spectrum?

  3. Lmao, you are imitating cats for human interaction? Do you not socialize with other humans.

    It’s simple when a girl smiles you either smile back or nod. That’s how humans do it.

  4. Wave if you don’t wanna smile back. See how she reacts with that. Think about the positives outcomes. May become friends, never know

  5. Trust your gut feeling at that present moment. You can smile back, act like you didn’t see her smiling at you, grin, act confused etc. Up to you. It’s a weird thing honestly unless you know you’re considered an attractive person then you can assume why she smiled at you.

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