So I met some guys on a night out while on holiday. One got really close but I immediately stopped him (in a nice way) as I took interested in his shy friend. At the end of the eveninf he approached me and we talked but I was really drunk. He asked me if I knew his name and I responded with a wrong one (I always think I am very funny when I am drunk). The next day he said hi at the beach and asked for me days later (my friend lives there). So I took the courage and messaged him on fb. I apologized and thanked him for the nice evening. He is somewhere in South America as a sailor now but always took the time to respond even though very briefly. So now I am contemplating about continuing writing him or not. Either he is not interested but polite so that’s why he answers or he is shy and not very good in writing?
I don’t want to embarass myself again. But I mean if a girl writes you out of nothing that should be a sign enough that I like him. Was he just polite also that evening? Should I just get the hint that he is not interested?
My theory is that he got it that I am interested so if he is he’d text?

  1. No.

    We have no idea.

    Even if you take us home and shag us silly, the next day we have no idea if you like us.

    Your guy… He firmly thinks he’s friendzoned and is just ticking along hoping that maybe one day he will escape it briefly.

  2. No-one, man or woman, just magically knows unless you make it incredibly obvious or literally tell them.

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