What’s the bare minimum that you’ve received and accepted in the past? When do you ask for more when you’re questioning whether you’re expecting too much?

  1. being autonomous and completely self-sufficient, plus one intimate moment per week is minimum effort

  2. Not texting dry- call me toxic but I’m an overthinker and when someone I love (a boyfriend/girlfriend) dry texts… I tend to get a bit anxious and worry somethings wrong even tho they say nothing is wrong. I don’t act apon my anxiety I just give them space. Not the point tho.

  3. Bare minimum: be employed, me not having to raise them, can manage their own finances, can plan things, respect, loyalty, can hold a conversation, open and honest communication, knows a woman’s anatomy, respects decisions about MY body and encourages me to make them also, can clean, can cook, can respect my alone time, remembers things about me, self control, cares about my sexual experience as much as I do theirs, therapy positive, has the same morals and values as me, don’t have to remind them to do things, I don’t have to do emotional labor, no addictions and if there is actively attends the meetings and groups and does the work, has their own opinions, can admit when they’re wrong, doesn’t treat me like an option, romantic, physical touch, affirmation, understands and keeps boundaries (their own, mine, and with other people), EFFORT, supportive, accountable, intentional, thoughtful, sense of humor, emotionally available. I’m sure there is more. This looks like a lot, but I am able to give all of this and more so I expect exactly the same. I’m incredibly lucky to be dating someone right now who does all of this and more. Wouldn’t settle for less.

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