Who all has their Certificate of Live Birth from the hospital where you were born?

Who all knows the difference between the Birth Certificate and the Certificate of Live Birth.

Do you as an American have that Certificate from the hospital in your possession?

My reason for asking is I believe that document is important for no other reason than it is YOUR RECORD(apart from a government account of your record) and I don’t believe many Americans have that document or access to it.

The end lol

  1. No one.

    Your Certificate of Live Birth is held in a government office (County office in California, dunno about other States).

    One may have an official copy of that certificate, but not the certificate itself.

  2. A Certificate of Live Birth is for the government. A person won’t really have a use for it.

    The birth certificate comes from that and is what you’ll use personally yourself as a document to do things. Which you can’t do with the former.

  3. When a baby is born, both a certificate of live birth and a baby’s birth certificate are issued. The certificate of live birth is an unofficial document issued by the hospital for data entry purposes.

    There’s really no reason why we would need this in our possession

  4. My record that I was born is that I’m currently alive. A copy of some obtuse paperwork isn’t gonna make that more true.

  5. I just had a baby last month and I have her certificate of birth from the hospital. I needed it to have her added to my insurance as the birth certificates are not processed for 12 weeks or so (in Ohio).

    I don’t have one from my own birth (maybe my mom had a copy somewhere).

  6. I have two birth certificates. One original and one copy (my parents thought they lost the original after I moved away for college).

    The certificate of live birth would be at the hospital I was born at. I have no idea if they have it or if I would ever need it but I do know where I should call to ask.

  7. I have both. I obtained a copy of my birth certificate in the late 90s. I can’t remember why I needed it but I still have it.

    My mother purged a lot of old paperwork and she found my Certificate of Live Birth, then gave it to me. I also have my daughter’s.

  8. I have my birth certificate. I actually lost it and had to get another one. It’s a simple form to fill out online and they mail it to you.

  9. Aye, Certificate of Live Birth. My mother is the queen of filing paperwork. A real life Hermes Conrad with less enthusiasm for limbo and more goats. She gave it to me in a Manila folder about 20 years back and I’ve had it filed away too.

  10. After Googling what it looks like, I’m pretty sure my parents have a copy of mine with my medical records from when I was a kid. My dad’s that type of guy that has every receipt from the last 20 years organized in filing cabinets though

  11. I apparently don’t even have the proper birth certificate to get a passport.

    Even tho I was previously issued a passport with it, and I’ve used it to get a driver’s license, and literally at every single job I’ve ever had. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  12. I have my certificate of live birth. (Or the copy they gave my parents) It’s so tattered and fragile it’ll never leave the envelope it’s in. Lost my birth certificate, was able to get replacement online for 9$ a copy. As many as you wanted. That was California for 1964. When I got it, It actually turned out to be a clean copy of my live birth certificate, (the same tattered one I have, I know there’s a difference but that’s what they sent. Did what I needed), printed on a larger official state seal embossed stationary with state office of vital records fancy headings and all that with county registrar’s signature and everything.

    It’s worth checking out if Atlanta has digitized their birth records, or all I did was go through the online application and itll tell you if official birth certificate are available from that area.you can call them and ask if that particular record is a birth certificate or a hospital certificate. Im betting it’ll be a hospital certificate of live birth like mine was if it’s available, because as noted, they’re technically not identification and probably aren’t as tightly controlled by the state to 3rd party vendors with the right business permits.
    Mine had my dad’s signature I’d recognize anywhere and he’s been gone for 35 years.

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