Best case scenario? Worst case scenario?

  1. Can’t happen.
    We decide on all big things together as a team.

    And since I’m the only one with income, and he can’t work due to mental health, moving to another country (even if it’s EU as well) without speaking the language, without job, without means to provide for himself seems like a recipe for disaster and a risk he wouldn’t take.

    We decided together to move cross country to the place I’m from. Actually, he was the one bringing it up. So I’m very fine with it. But deciding on such a thing alone? Nope.

  2. I go too. We’re planning on moving in the next couple of years anyway.

    *If* it’s for a normal reason and not like, they’re just randomly dropping that news on me because they feel like moving. That would be weird and bad.

  3. Across the continent most probably means moving to the city I grew up in (it’s the opposite side of where we are now and extremely isolated so probably the only place to end up) so I’d be stoked, I’d definitely go with him cause I’ve always wanted to visit there again

  4. “Across the continent” from Southern California I think means New England then? I’d be so down to move with them, honestly. I’ve been wanting to move to Vermont

  5. It would be over. If they would make such a big decision without me, it never mattered to them that I was factored in somehow

  6. I had that happen within days of dating and t prevented me from getting close immediately because suspected they were going to end it since they “don’t do long distance.” I would need to know more details such as how long you have been dating, thoughts on long distance, and a forth.

  7. How long have a I been with this person?

    A month? No sorry I have a life I’m not sacrificing.

    A few years? I’ll consider it.

  8. Break up. Just the fact that they sprung it on me, and didn’t talk to me while they were considering it is enough to boot them. Bye!

  9. On the one hand, I’m married, so I’d be annoyed to be informed rather than consulted, but on the other hand, my family lives on the opposite side of the continent so in a lot of ways it would be a very sweet gesture!

  10. Enjoy the next 12 months and then decide if you are going too.. a lot can change in a year… A LOT

  11. I’d just enjoy the next 12 month and then would see how things turn out after those 12 months

  12. well best case scenario is I’m currently in a ldr and a continent away from my partner so….THEYLL be moving to meee!!! There would simply be no downside to this

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