Imagine if there is no afterlife or something like heaven. An eternity could pass by an we wouldn’t feel a thing

I was just thinking that maybe we die and instantly are alive again (could be as the same person or as a totally different thing) after the universe ends and starts again a million times (maybe universe is cyclical, or some civilization invents a technology to bring back consciousness) , or whatever created existence itself gets to decide we live again. (god?, an alien?)

The point being that no matter what happens; Either there is an alter life and death is not the end. Or the event that made us conscious in the first place will happen again. It may take an eternity, but for us it would be an instant

  1. We decompose, whatever passes for our energy passes onto something else and the cycle starts anew.

  2. We reach a pearly gate and then we all discover that the Westboro Baptist Church was right all along.

  3. As it is out of my control, I try to have as few thoughts on the subject as possible. Rather I sit in reluctant anticipation of the experience, as I have watched happen to the countless others before, knowing that the world will continue on.

  4. Regardless of personal beliefs I think the first law of thermodynamics applies to us.
    Our souls = energy and they can’t be destroyed but transferred form one form to another.

    I believe this is why deja vu exists. It’s your old souls vibrating to something it experienced in a past life.

    Interestingly enough (to me) I did a deep dive on souls some years ago and found that not everybody experiences deja vu.
    It’s almost exclusively experienced by “old souls”.

  5. I hope nothing. I don’t want anything else. I don’t even want this. I only deal with this and do my best incase there are consequences afterwards.

  6. You know how people who temporarily died describe death as “walking into the light”? It’d be pretty funny if the “light” in question is just you as a different baby coming out of your mom’s womb lol

  7. I imagine it like sleeping without dreams. You go unconscious, time passes by extremely fast but you don’t have the brain function that allows you to visualize things. You’re in that state of sleep where it feels like time passes by in an instant, except you never wake up.

  8. Same thing that happened before we were born: a big fat nothingness. Nonexistence. Lights out then nothingness forever. I actually gain comfort from this.

  9. you rot.

    as far as to what it feels like, go chug half a bottle of tequila. when you regain consciousness after the hang over disappears, ruminated on the experience when you were out, there you go. that’s being dead.

  10. Slowly we rot


    >I was just thinking that maybe we die and instantly are alive again (could be as the same person or as a totally different thing) after the universe ends and starts again a million times (maybe universe is cyclical, or some civilization invents a technology to bring back consciousness) , or whatever created existence itself gets to decide we live again. (god?, an alien?)

    Sounds exhausting so I prefer not having an afterlife or existing again (and starting all over again).

  11. The short answer is I (and nobody else) knows.

    The longer answer is that I’ve heard too many stories from people who have had near death experiences or even died and been brought back to life, including very elderly relatives who do not have computers or smart phones, let alone the internet (and thus can’t have been influenced by other stories) as well as experiences from meditating to believe “nothing”.

  12. I believe there is an afterlife, but regardless if you don’t one thing is for sure, the dead get to rest and the living go on suffering

  13. You close your eyes and it is over. Nothingness, no consciousness, no tingling sensation, no destination. You simply end.

    I believe there’s nothing after death, no gods to judge or punish you, no reincarnation, no floating through the air with a new way to perceive things, no ascending to an heaven, no falling into a hell, no soul wandering to something in-between.

    We were just sentient, cognitive humanoid beings that existed for about 60 to 80 years on average, beings that, by multiples strokes of luck against many odds, led to us evolving in creatures able to either believe from what we do and don’t understand and chose to pass it down to younger such creaturss that either believed it as well ir choose not to.

    And the world will go on, as if we never happened, like it did a long time before we came around and even more so when we’ll be gone, either due to our own actions or something completely out of our control, like a meteor hitting our planet, our star dying out or the universe eventually simply ending.

    Is that a cause for concern? It wasn’t for those before, it won’t be for those after. They chose to believe in something greater.

    I chose to believe finalty is absolute and this is the only life we get to live.

  14. Nothing. You die and skedaddle. There’s no “you” left besides your physical being and memories that others carry.

  15. I’ll be a bit optimistic and say: I hope I’ll see again my dear friend and uncle, my grandpa – and other tremendous people I dearly miss and those that will join them inevitably. I want to see their faces, hug them at least once again and tell them that I never forgot them. Even if the hell is warming up a special skillet for me.

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