My friend(20f) and I(20m) have know each other for 5 years. We were best friends for a long time and then were fwb for a short time. For us being young we decided not to get into a relationship and took a break from each other. We texted every now and then. We had a really great relationship and could talk to each other about anything.

During this period I helped her and her family(who love me) out with any car troubles. She heavily texts me about cars she’s looking into buying but doesn’t really ask how I’ve been or anything like that. I feel like thats the only reason she still talks to me, is for me being a mechanic which makes me feel like shit for some reason.

We hung out for an hour at one point and it went very well we both thought it was nice to catch up. Since then I’d say I’ve thought more about how its making me feel that she only really texts me about cars.

I know thats shes busy with her own things like I am so I try to be understanding of that. She also wants to take her time at being friends again which I get. It just feels like shes taking the piss out of me being willing to help her I guess, honestly its made for a really confusing time.

I don’t know how to talk to her about this. I wanna know if I am even being rational or just reading too much into it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Friend(20f) and I(20m) have know each other a long time were fwb then took a break from each other. I help her family with cars and she almost only texts me with car questions never “how are you”
Is she only still talking to me for my help with cars or am I just confused.

  1. Yeah, sounds a little like you’re being treated like a utility. Maybe stop making yourself so available, or at least try and get something for the help you’re giving.

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