Me and her are long distance, but she’s coming back to my town next summer. I get a 🦴 from a mere hug, let alone getting cuddled. What do I do? Do I just let it happen? Help.

  1. I’m 41 and still get a hard on from cuddling with my girlfriend. It happens and it’s really not a big deal.

  2. If you’re her boyfriend and you share physical close intimacy like that, then you two have to get used to having this kind of conversation.

    So just bring it up and talk through it

  3. I used to worry about this. This I realized that it sometimes leads to more without me even having to “make a move”. No need to feel ashamed about being attracted to your partner.

  4. Let it happen

    You can hold your breath for a moment and your body will reroute blood from one head to the other

  5. Let it happen. It’s a natural autonomic process that you can’t help. If she’s a real Homie, she’ll understand that 🙂

  6. You get used to it. When my fiancé first started staying over I’d have one all night long. She was fully aware of it, I was fully aware of it. If I was facing her it would be poking her in the butt the entire night. And it was for A LOT of nights. Can’t say if it was weeks or months, but eventually I just got used to sleeping next to her and he stayed down for the night. It’s just getting used to it. We’ve been together over 3 years now and I still even pop up when we kiss sometimes. She takes it as a compliment. But he will stop popping up all night when you get used to it.

  7. Yes, it’s involuntary, so just let it happen and if she is offended by a boner she has no place dating anyone.
    You can try thinking of things that are unsexy or control your breathing and calm down. But honestly, it’s high time we stopped thinking guys can affect their boners. It’s the same moronic idea as that women can control their period or hold it in like pee. 😂🙃

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