I have an issue with being too honest even with people who don’t have my best interest in mind. And these people are constantly asking me about myself and I give in easily and tell them. One example is “are you still planning on moving/going to school?” And I immediately tell them my change of plans for the future but when I’m not around them I try and come up with some B.S answer that I never end up using. I know they’re just trying to dig for information to use against me so I want to be very careful about what I say around them. (One specific person is a coworker that loves to watch people fail and is always trying to find dirt on them)

How do I improve controlling what I say?

  1. I have the same issue.
    Even when I plan on not saying anything, I end just end up telling the truth if they push.

  2. Yes happens to me as well. Over sharing is a response of many different things. People seem to be practicing the different methods of interrogation more and more- here’s what works for me: you ask a question back. Such as “why do you ask?” Or advanced method such as “wow that’s really personal, what do you think(say or do)? The trick is to practice answering with questions. If you’re asking -you’re deflecting and not answering.
    Also is there any one subject you know backwards and forwards (hobby?) that you can talk someone’s ear off about ? Ramble about some stupid thing and only that thing.
    Drop subject onto food- pie? Cake? Soda? Live in an area with heavy traffic (like Los Angeles) bitch about traffic…
    It takes lots of practice… but it’s doable

  3. Or say don’t trip on me playboy and maybe laugh a little or say they sounding like the feds

  4. Sometimes the person asking is a friend or co-worker and you feel like you are being forced to volunteer a lot of personal information just to be nice and friendly. I do this all the time and then my girlfriend tells me I gave away too much information. It is like I can’t say, “it doesn’t concern you” because I feel like I’m being an asshole. I kick myself every time I do this.

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