I’m sure the title may be throwing some of you off but let me explain. I (18M) have been dating (18F) for about 4 months. We both are taking a gap year from college due to personal reasons that do not include our relationship or each other (I get that question often). Our relationship has been great, we really hit it off in almost every way: our professional goals align, our religions align, our family goalsn align, we are each other’s best friends, the sex is great, our families love us together, we both get along really well with each other’s friends, and overall it seems like we had everything going for us, I mean we even want to go to the same college after our gap year by chance. The only issue was that most of my immediate family had moved to Florida from California, and I am following very soon, so we would have to transition to long distance, but we would still make it work, visiting all of the time and eventually we would be in college together.

Just last week, we had a big blow-up argument (on a scale never seen before) over something very small and insignificant. I was having a really bad day with tonsillitis, and I asked her if she could get me some ibuprofen whenever she was done doing what she was doing, and she happily said ok and kept working. But after a while, she went to go get it for me and came back just visibly upset and just kept giving me a “death stare” after she continued working. I asked if everything was alright and why she was upset at me, and she just blew up on me. She was saying that I’m always upset at her and getting mad at her for small things and that she was, in fact, not upset. And she continued on and on, and the argument went to places it should never have gone. And while half explaining, half yelling at me, she admitted that she was upset because I had asked her to get me something while she was setting up a fish tank, even though I told her she could get it for me whenever she wanted. A lot of the stuff she was saying didn’t even make any sense because, actually, I rarely get upset at her, and we rarely argue, and when we do it is always petty stuff. But she “broke up” with me that night, and I had to spend the next day trying to fight and save the relationship, and I ultimately did, or so I thought.

But throughout this experience, she was very dismissive of my feelings and was honestly not respecting me or what I wanted. It was all about her. And this is very unlike her because she is usually is very good at making me feel respected and listened to, but I did not feel this way during that. And I honestly felt hurt because this just was out of nowhere, and she was willing to give up everything we had over an issue that I still don’t even fully understand.

But now, fast forward to last night, things are better, almost back to normal. We are going to a get-together with a bunch of high school friends that are still in the area, and all is well. But eventually, I start getting a little panicked just from being in this hot room with around 30 people and I start feeling a tightness in my chest and just hot. This is something that happens to me in these types of environments sometimes. So I tell her that I need some space from everything and to get away, she says ok, and I go find an empty room just to sit and relax for a while. She knows where I am, that I am by myself, and that I’m safe. But when I get back it’s like a world war again. She takes me away, and she starts going off on how we’re done and she’s done being treated like this and there’s no chance or anything ever again. And I am completely oblivious to what is happening. She then accused me of avoiding her and that I was upset over super small stuff like her hugging a guy she’s known since freshman year (which I didn’t even know happened, nor do I care) or that she was talking to her guy friends (I also do not care, as I also view them as my good friends as well). And no matter what I would say to her, she wouldn’t listen. She would not listen to my side of the story, she would not listen to my reassurances, and she would not even listen when I would try to defuse the situation. She was not respecting me. So I gave up and went and enjoyed the rest of the night as much as possible. And now today comes along, and it is more of the same; she will not listen to anything I have to say, and she has this idea in her mind of what happened, and she will not shake. So I gave up, and I am now moving up my plans to move to Florida, and I have cut most contact with her. But then she dmed me through Instagram, saying how she loves me, and she wants to date when I can and how we’re gonna make long-distance work when I’m ready and healed. And I’m honestly so damn confused because all I can think is, wtf did I do??

I’m unsure of how to proceed because I feel ready now, and I do really, really like this girl and I want to pursue long distance and a future with her. But I haven’t done anything horrible, at least in my opinion, and honestly, if I have and I’m just stupid, please tell me. Feel free to ask for any more context because I definitely missed some stuff but this already feels so long.

TL;DR: GF acting completely out of sorts and creating a lot of unneeded drama and conflict in our relationship and putting it all on me right before I move across the country and before we try doing long distance. Unsure of how to proceed.

  1. I stopped at fight for the relationship. No, a relationship is a partnership. If she wanted out and you had to beg for her to say…yeah. That is definitely not anything worth salvaging.

    End it and move on. Like an adult.

  2. LDR is a terrible idea. If LDR is involved I strongly suggest a breakup.

    Besides, it seems you’re trying to get away and she’s clinging. It’s best to end the relationship so you both find people who are more compatible.

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