I (19M) met a girl(18F) these last 2 weeks that i really like, i couldn’t find the gut to tell her how i felt and now im filled with remorse because i found out she felt the same way, i have her social media so in attempts of relieving my conscience im gonna tell her how happy she made me fell these 2 weeks, i found out the feeling was mutual in the last day while i was saying goodbye because my chilean friend told me later her friends were saying she liked me alot in Spanish. I would love to spend more time with her but she is from Equador and im from Portugal we are also really young, i know that teenage love is dumb but i never felt like this before with anyone else and i think we really clicked.

tl;dr i really liked a girl she liked me back but we live really far away from eachother

1 comment
  1. Listen very attentively: LDR do not work! Avoid it if you can.

    1. You’ll have to move in together eventually.
    2. Whoever did the move will always feel that they sacrificed more, will miss their family & friends etc.
    3. If you do break up, the person that moved closer will have to go back to their origin city.

    It’s better to date local so if things go south you can part ways with minimal damage.

    (Note: I’m talking from experience.. trust me you don’t want that smoke)

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