me (F24) and my ex (M23) broke up a little over a month ago and he has quite a bit of my stuff left at his apartment. when we broke up he brought up how there’s some of my stuff left at his place and I texted him where to mail it to but he still hasn’t and it’s been over a month now. i’m not sure what to do or if I should reach out/when is a good amount of time to reach out about sending me my stuff again. but I don’t really want to reach out and seem like i’m still wanting something/desperate or wanting to reach out to him. I already mailed him his stuff back weeks ago i’m just so confused why it’s taking so long and need advice! I can’t tell if he genuinely just doesn’t care and forgot or is doing it to be petty or what. For more context I don’t think we ended on bad terms so pls any advice is welcome.

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