People scare me :/

  1. force yourself into the most scariest social interactions you can think of. And do that consistently. The main attribute that makes people good at socializing is there comfort in having a shitty ass interaction every now and then.

  2. Also started college a few days ago. Of course it’s difficult, because there are so many new people and you don’t know where to start. I suggest you take it one at a time. Just sit/ stand next to a person and ask them how they are and what’s their name, you can even tell them that you’re kinda nervous about meeting so many people and they will most probably appreciate this. Because keep in mind: Everyone else is in the same situation as you. Everyone will feel kinda lost and overwhelmed with information in the first days of college. So just start a conversation like that and see where it goes. Maybe you vibe, maybe you don’t. Start conversations with different people.
    Maybe you will even see someone who also is a bit afraid to socialize standing in a safe distance from the crowd. Go to them and say: “Hi. You look just as lost as I feel myself.” Tried it, and it’s amazing, because it’s honest and can make the other person laugh. They will tell you, how it’s difficult to socialize and you will right away have something to talk about and can move to other topics afterwards.
    The important thing is not to pressure yourself to make THE friends for life right away. You will get to know many people and don’t have to be friends with all of them. It will take time to find out who is close to you.

    But most importantly, do not hesitate to socialize immediately at an event. The longer you wait the harder it gets. Because people start forming groups very quickly and it’s best to start talking to people when no one knows anyone. If you let that moment pass , groups will form and it can be harder for someone socially awkward to access them. It’s never too late, though.

    Wish you all the best, keep us posted about how it went.

  3. Go to all of the events they have for new incoming students . Join clubs. Being in the right place is half the battle

  4. Build a good relationship with yourself. Don’t try to impress people or seek/need validation from others. This is important when making new friends as you’ll build authentic friendships/relationships without having to dread the process

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