And how does it work out for you?

I’m mainly talking about the people that are like “match with me and *then* I’ll show you pics of me”

*Editing to add that I’m genuinely just curious*

  1. On one hand, while I don’t think men do this as much, lots of times I’ve heard women in the past made burner profiles to go and use for various reasons someone uses to view things with anonymity

    As I said, I don’t think dudes do this as much, so the other option is as others said, lack of confidence, but desperation still kicks in. So said people don’t view themselves as say a normal person, who shares photos on their profile to find matches.

    So I’d almost argue that they’d be even more desperate at most, because they latch onto the concept that despite not making an effort, they still keep the profile active for the 0.000000001% that someone genuinely swipes on them

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