So i text this girl from school for a week and in think i made my intentions clear that i wanna date. like 3rd question i ask if she wanna go out. but she said it’s a bit too early for that and then we talk some more. Oh she didn’t even know who i was before meeting me. She thought I was some random guy from her golf place. So I stop texting her.

next day (18hrs later) she tells me that we can “hangout” (hangout seems more like a friend thing) but she says if i’m up to it (which i thought made it seem more than a hangout)

get there, she said i looked nice, she asks if i dated anyone before and i said she was my first time. I think she was confused and stuff (maybe cause she didn’t view it as a date.) Also mentioned her ex very briefly, just asking if i knew the guy, but she quickly changed the subject

followed up second time. went out a 6pm. she was a lot more formal looking this time, like a dress and high heels and she put her arms round me on the motorbike, but rejected holding hands. went to mini golf, got my name wrong once 😬, also said i was “cute” but that was cause i was terrible at mini golf. lasted about 3 hrs.

we kept texting quite a bit and she was sending me happy pics of herself and she was responding with this🥰 emoji a lot.

went to bali, she texted me first everday and i asked her on a date i was very explicit with the fact it would be a date. she said she was out and on holiday, which was true, but i asked her “what if i asked u when u come back?” She just changed the subject to music.

I see i might be getting friendzoned, so i tell her i was moving country (which is true). She is shocked and sya “HUH”, “Why didn’t you tell me!?”

still chatting but not as much this time. But on day we have good convo, so i ask her out but like i was gonna just think of it as a friend thing. She left me on seen for 10 mins, but agreed and wanted 7pm. she cancelled that day staying would end in disappointment cause i was moving country.

I go to Brunei for a visit and we continue talking. I ask to meet just to say bye, as a friend, i think she thought i was asking her out, left me on seen for 40 mins and accepted.

she goes on about her feelings being mixed and confused and then tells me the next day she doesn’t like me in that way. she also said she was sorry if she led me on. I told her that I knew she didn’t like me in that way a while ago (cause of the hand holding.) She then questioned why I asked to meet before I left. I told her i was gonna say bye.

I also asked her why she would keep accepting to these “dates” (can’t confirm if they were) and she said cause i was a laid back funny guy and whether i thought “it was something more” (which might hint she never saw them as anything else but just friends hanging out). At some point she said that there was someone else (no one at the school knows that she was dating someone else or if there was someone else).

Anyway, we do text a lil after that and she keeps coming up with excuses on why she didn’t wanna go out. like she said she “meant it would end it disappointment” and then sorry that i had to come when her feelings were mixed and confused for someone. I also asked if she was seeing this someone else on saturday and me on sunday, but she said she wasn’t (she comes across as a very nice, sweet, kind, honest person and I doubt that she was lying).

I spread the story to the whole school (accidentally) she gets mad and said she had nothing negative to say about me before I did this and that she never saw me as anything but just a friend. Oh and to not take normal attention for granted and that she also lost all respect for me. Acccording to my friends she also said my account of things was twisted, but she never told that to me.

Was she leading me on?

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