What to do when the world seems against you?

  1. Realize that its not that the world is against you, but that the world simply doesn’t care about you. You gotta buckle down, focus on what you want/need and keep doing what you gotta do to get there.

  2. You won’t like this; But stop thinking of yourself as a fking victim and call a friend and talk. Do something.

  3. It kinda sounds bad, but one of the best things you can realize is that almost no one in this world, or even in your local community gives a damn about you, meaning they aren’t against you. So what to do, well first realize that, then look at what you’ve been doing and examine what about it hasn’t been working, then change those things.

  4. Im a man so there is no way to cope with this , I just get up and tell the world to give me an actual challenge

  5. Step one: ignore all the be a man tough love “advice” from Reddit. Step two:. Cut yourself a break, give yourself some credit and start looking for little victories to score in your life. They roll into big victories. Treat yourself like a friend.

  6. You’re a man, not a woman or a child. The world isn’t against you, just doesn’t give the faintest fuck about you.

    Unlike women or children, your life holds no inherent value apart from what you can provide. So make sure to focus on providing for yourself and having enough agency to be relatively free.

  7. Nothing; the sooner you realize that’s actually true, the sooner you can learn that the world owes you nothing and won’t hand you everything on a silver platter.

    And you’ll be able to learn to get back up by yourself when the going gets rough.

  8. Understand that the amount of people who are actually out to get you, if there are any at all, can be counted on one hand.

    The vast majority of people who know you exist couldn’t be bothered to be out to get you, since they have more than enough of their own problems to deal with.

    The rest of the world doesn’t even know that you exist.

    Of all the people I’ve met throughout my entire life, only a small few have been actually out to get me. Outside of high school they get much rarer.

  9. Some things in life are bad
    They can really make you mad
    Other things just make you swear and curse
    When you’re chewing on life’s gristle
    Don’t grumble, give a whistle
    And this’ll help things turn out for the best

  10. Go for a walk or a run and try to think about the exact things that are bothering you. Are you spending a lot of time ruminating about social failures, or are you frequently feeling disappointed about some life status? Identify your disagreements as accurately as possible so it’s easier to feel sure you’re properly planning for them.

    If it seems like you’re having a lack of success with people in some way, realize that it can be pretty difficult to achieve highly desirable social experiences. Some people want things that are hard to have from where they’re at in life. If you need to, try to come to terms with your limitations, paying attention to where you’re at now, not where you hope to be.

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