This girl and I started going out over a month back. We caught feelings for each other over time, and it’s been super nice. She told me that she loves me a few days back. I know that I more than just like her, but I don’t think I am there yet where I can tell her that I love her. And I don’t want to say it for the sake of saying it. She understands and has told me to take my time. Every time she says “I love you”, it feels incredible, but I don’t have anything to say back. Is there anything I can say back that isn’t straight up “I love you too ” but is also expressive enough to let her know that I more than just like her?

  1. If you “caught feelings” why can’t you say you love her? Do you have some weird rule where you can only say that if you are sure you want to marry her or something?

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