First off, the advice is for my (M36) wife (F35). Secondly, she has asked for my advice and i didn’t have good advice for her other than to talk to her Dr and also asking if there’s anything I can do different (she said no there isn’t).

Anyone here have experience at our ages increasing the drive by altering something you did? Or asking their significant other to change something in the bedroom? Perhaps a supplement?

I worry it’s something I’m doing wrong or that she no longer finds me attractive. She says that’s not the case, but I can’t help but wonder if it’s something I’m doing wrong that she isn’t aware of or not telling me.

TL/DR: my wife wants to increase her libido but I didn’t provide great feedback and was looking for some info

1 comment
  1. I don’t think it’s anything with what you are doing or not doing.

    But I understand what you mean because women’s brains need more novelty and more variety in bed than men’s do. Novelty and variety are necessary in order for her to stay sexually invested, aroused and interested in her long-term partner.

    So, if sex gets boring for her and she won’t have any moral reason to engage in it – thus the fall in libido. In order for you to keep her sexually interested, you have got to understand that her desire stems from novelty, variety, and [exploring all the kinky things that interest her](… not just the kinky stuff you’re interested in.

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