Could you move to another country and learn the language if an opportunity would come? What would it take?

  1. I did.

    Quit my job, packed a suitcase, and got a one-way ticket to Japan.

    Met a karate master who offered to teach me so I stayed, learned karate, learned Japanese, married a hot Japanese girl and bought an apartment in Tokyo.

  2. I speak 3 languages and when I was younger I wanted to learn some more, now at 41 I have zero interest in learning a new language and struggle with the ones I know.

  3. The opportunity did arrive. I learned German but didn’t end up going to Germany lol maybe another time in my life.

  4. Yes. A large sum of money and significant help with the relocation/immigration process. Though it would depend on the country since my wife and daughter would be coming with me.

  5. 10 years ago, ya, but I have my wooded acreage and I wouldn’t give it up unless I was forced out.

    Turns out it wasn’t the USA that I hated, it was the Midwest.

  6. I did when I was a young man. If you want to, do it.

    If I abandon the US now, it’s because it’s gone from decline to collapse. I’ll just slide into my overseas office and ride out the storm.

  7. I doubt I’d learn another language, but no problems moving to another country if an opportunity arises

  8. If I ever got the chance to move to Iceland I would take it in a heartbeat. I’d feel bad leaving friends and family but I’ll do it.

  9. I would. If I had a good job to go to. I think learning a new language would be great, but I have 3 cats and I don’t think they’d bother learning.

  10. I absolutely would be willing to live abroad. I’m not married, no kids, and I could move at the drop of a hat if needed.

    All I’d need is a job in my field with a company willing to sponsor me in a country I’d be willing to go to.

  11. I’m going to do that! Moving from the Netherlands to somewhere northern Italy 😀 don’t have much thought out yet but somewhere next year I’m moving

  12. I speak Spanish fairly fluently and can read it and write it well. I would go to Bariloche in Argentina or to Costa Rica.

  13. I already did. Moved to Mexico and learned Spanish. Been here over a year.

    The COVID rules in Canada were getting bad and I was tired of lockdown.

    I’m now considering moving to Eastern Europe and learning Russian because I hate the heat & sun, but still want a cheap country to live in where I won’t need to work full-time (if I have an online job).

    For reference I am 24 and mostly single.

  14. I did. Moved 7 years ago from South Africa to Germany. Applied for a job there. Learned the language (screw reading and writing though). Saw many things, met cool people, learned life.

  15. Only if my friend came with me but the country in question would be Canada maybe Switzerland somewhere cold all year round. Were i just gotta add layers to keep warm and not go naked to remain cold.

  16. Moved to America from the Caribbean. American “culture” was different. Country wasn’t as divided as it is now.

  17. Unquestionably yes. It would only take a raise, they pay for travel and incidentals, and provide college for my daughter. If course if I got the jackpot or something, I would move some place like this immediately. Then another place a year from then, and do on. It would be awesome.

    As noted, money is the only barrier I would have to move to most places. Of course, I have no desire to go to Russia or North Korea at the moment. A few others as well, but I’d be down to go to most places.

  18. I love my country America but my family came from Messina Italy 🇮🇹. I want to go and see where my grandparents came from

  19. Sure why not. A lot of people say that living in a foreign country directly will help you learn the language faster, but it still won’t be easy. For example, you can get along perfectly fine in Japan for day to day tasks without speaking any Japanese, but for more complicated things like legal and immigration issues you’re going to need it or the help of someone who is fluent.

  20. I did (kinda). I moved from India to the US. Exactly 15 years ago today.

    That said, I did know English when I was living in India.

    I was a 22-year old kid who moved for grad school and I have been living (and working) in the US since.

    I almost moved to Canada (Québec) in 2020 for work, but then the pandemic happened and my move was put on hold. That would have involved me learning French. I had planned on living in a Francophone part of the city. But since work-from-home became a thing, the need for me to move to Canada is no more.

  21. A proper work visa. Otherwise, it’s exceedingly difficult to get a job+visa without knowing the language first. I’d prefer to be in Japan right now, but I was not able to get the visa while I was there.

  22. I probably won’t. Even tho my country is fucked economically I don’t have the power or will to start from nothing and build it up again and I’m 21 and feel this way . Life is hard ,just be content with what you’re given (what I keep telling myself)

  23. Anywhere in the world, just give me a plane ticket and I’ll go. Honestly I’m so tired of being in the same damn suburb. Wish I went out of state for college but I didn’t.

  24. I did, more than a decade ago almost on a whim. I quit my job and after after a bit left my then gf. It has been super rough (i had to learn two languages) and at times very rough and lonely. I would do it again.

  25. Sure. It wouldn’t be my choice but I’m capable of it.

    Probably for love or to avoid a civil war. Otherwise I’m happy where I’m at.

    I’m good with languages, so that part wouldn’t be hard.

    I’d miss my family and friends though.

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