Guys, what interesting hobbies do you think will help you improve your life or are essential to learn as a man?

  1. Cooking. Learn how to make restaurant quality food at home. Save tons of money and eat like a king. And it is essential to be the king of the grill.

  2. Investment, economy and building your own business

    Sports doesnt matter which as long as you are consistent

    Craftsmanship you can save tons of money and actually make a living out of it

  3. Working on cars, computers or pretty much anything that will help you learn patience & problem solving skills.

  4. No so much hobbies, but skill sets that make you versatile. Most things have two levels of care, maintenance and repair.

    Learn to maintain most of your possessions, cleaning and lubricating of mechanical things and properly backing up and optimizing data storage of computers and mobile devices comes to mind. Vehicles, bicycles computers, other electronics, your home’s appliances and systems all need maintenance. Some times it’s cleaning inside and out, sometimes there is more to it.

    The repair level is the more challenging one and based on your income and mechanical aptitude this one can be a real money saver. Even if you hire it out, it’s good to still understand the principles of what kind of work they are doing so you can be confident in spotting the lazy bullshitters.

  5. If a hobby is essential, it’s not a hobby. It’s work. Hobbies are things you do because you enjoy it.

  6. Scary/difficult things. Doesn’t have to be skydiving or anything extreme, but having something that requires patience and pushing past fear yields so much in other areas of life.

    Example – I mountain bike. Confronting tough things in life is a lot easier now that I’ve gone through situations where I try something hard on the bike and have to swallow my fear

  7. So, I’ve been thinking about this for some time. I’ve also been single for some time, so there’s a correlation there.

    I won’t recommend particular hobbies, but rather categories. You need a hobby that:

    * Keeps you fit or gets you in shape – examples are sports, gym, cycling, etc.
    * Helps your career – this is basically the ‘lifelong learning’ one. Courses, certifications, whatever. Having more letters after your name never hurts.
    * Lets you be creative – building something, making something, drawing something, playing something.
    * Some entertainment that isn’t sitting at home watching netflix. – maybe theatre, or museums or symphony or something
    * Something that gets you out, meeting your preferred gender – dancing, or group stuff
    * Helps you relax or unwind – this can be anything from painting minis, to video games, to whatever. Just stuff to keep yourself occupied when you’re alone.

    Start stacking these, and you’ll notice a few benefits. First, you’ll never be hurting for things to do. Second, you’ll start to notice doors open and opportunities come your way. Third, you’ll get in shape. Fourth, you’ll develop your social skills.

    Edit: I’ve got 2 others that maybe-kinda don’t fit anywhere else:

    * Something that develops a self-reliance skill. Maybe growing food or keeping plants. Or learning to chop wood or survival stuff
    * Something that involves managing money. Investing, or saving and growing wealth, or crypto or something like that.

  8. Learn how to drive a boat, sail, canoe, kayak, and learn knots to tie a boat to a dock.

  9. I have too many hobbies, but there is a lot of crossover. Cooking is probably the only one that benefits everyone in the house. While not my chosen profession, I have automotive aptitude. I overhauled my first engine at age 12. And while I don’t actually do it as a hobby, I can do full on cabinet and furniture joinery. I’ve built most of the furniture in our home. Even the beds. I’ve been doing my own gunsmithing now for a while too.

    One of the more interesting things that happened was when I was in the early stages of dating my wife. She had a Honda Civic and the timing belt snapped on it. “Someone” didn’t do that 60K timing belt service like she was supposed to. That car had 100K miles on it, and yeah….it snapped. The problem: it bent some values. I went and met her where she was broke down and had the tow truck drop it at my house. As anyone who has worked on cars knows, it takes vastly longer to assemble all the correct parts vs. the time to do the job. She drove my car to work that week and I rode my motorcycle to work. I got all the parts in to do the job and set to work on it that next Saturday. She stayed out there with me and kept me company the whole time. To say she was grateful is an understatment. It’s nice to be able to have skills and knowledge to help someone you care about. What was funny was; her dad called me. She made the trip to go visit them one weekend and she told them about the fiasco with her car. He took the time to call me and express his thanks for taking care of his baby girl. “One day, if you have a daughter you’ll understand.”

  10. Basic automotive and contractor work. You should know how to change a tire and spark plugs. You should also be able to fix a slow draining sink.

  11. Basic automotive and contractor work. You should know how to change a tire and spark plugs. You should also be able to fix a slow draining sink.

  12. A hobby that will absolutely you improve your life is anything physical. Anything that gets you moving, sweating and funnier hard enough to take your mind away from the everyday stress. 100% without a doubt will improve your life. Things you should learn as a man are as follows. Not in order.
    1) cook. Being able to cook a nice meal for your family is essential. Being able to cook a nice meal for a date is getting you a second or third date!
    2) fix any kind of leak in your home.
    3) basic auto diagnostic stuff. Nothing major but you should know how to change your oil, know what squeaking brakes mean, fan belt issues, dead battery etc.
    4) clean up after yourself and keep a clean home. Nothing is worse than having a messy or dirty home. When dating, it’s hard to get down with a girl if you’ve got dirt in your bed or dog hair all over your couch or a toilet with skid marks and a pee ring on the floor from missing.
    5) basic driving directions. Always know where you are going before you leave.
    5) how to please a woman in bed.

  13. Weightlifting, for anyone suffering from insecurity. A few months in, my confidence has soared.

  14. being able to fix things around the house, it will save you thousands in paying contractors and repair people to do things you can learn yourself with a 10 minute youtube video and 45 cents from the hardware store

  15. Combat sports is a good one. You’ll be fit and have confidence in yourself. Also learning to fix cars.

  16. Music!! Learn an instrument or get into some music production.

    You can learn a song on guitar in like 15 minutes, which opens doors to playing for hours.

  17. Any hobbie that allows you to express yourself creatively. Dont carne what. Cooking, writting, painting, photography…

    In my case is playing tabletop RPG, kinda like acting but with math

  18. Boxing and/or some type of martial art.

    If not boxing, I recommend something like Muay Thai, Kickboxing, wrestling, or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

  19. Sewing. Especially buttons. Ironing.

    I always knew how and enjoyed cooking, but that’s a big one. Along with laundry.

  20. Carpentry, cooking, basic understanding of electrical wiring in a house and plumbing.

  21. Tinkering. Seriously, it’s something I’ve wanted to learn for a while. Accidentally improve something, fiddling with things to learn how they work etc.

  22. Basic levels of different things woodworking, mechanics, and anything that can self someone be a bit more self reliant

  23. Learn to make money passively and then spend the free time doing what ever you want.

  24. Lots of amazing ideas on here. I would say learning to grow food and actually doing it. Its taught me patience and caring for something other than myself. In addition helps in cases where the price of food goes up.

  25. Outdoorsmanship. You should be able to survive on your own in the woods for a weekend without modern technology, and be comfortable doing it.

  26. Learn how to cook. Women aren’t chefs by default. And Chipotle is not a balanced diet.

    Learn basic home repair. It keeps you busy and reduces your overall reliance on overpriced contractors.

    Reading enhances the mind. Pick a subject and research it on your own. Not only do you get knowledge on something that you can apply in life, it sharpens your understanding of the world. Do not count fiction in this. Fiction is fantasy.

    Exercise. You don’t need to look like Brad Pitt, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched men end up with love life issues due to an unattractive body style. Also, you may think you’re cool cuz you can throw back beers and eat unhealthy, but after 30, you can end up with serious long term health issues if you just sit around and play COD.

    Volunteer somewhere. I wish I could do this more, and it really fills your soul with satisfaction. Coach a little league team, soup kitchens can always use help, etc. Also, is an attractive experience on a resume.

    Write Don your thoughts every so often in the Notes app on your phone. It gives you insight into yourself and is a nice thing to look back on and see how you’ve grown.

    Learn a sport, any sport. It can become a weekend hobby to refresh the soul and exercise. I do disc golf and bocce ball.

    Learn to manage a small stock portfolio. Crypto is a ponzi pyramid scheme that has little to no chance for growth outside those who bought in early. Play penny stocks and learn the market. I’ve made maybe $5000-$7000 off of Crypto in the last year. That’s not even half of what my stock portfolio was doing until the recent downturn.

    I want to do this, but pick something you’re really bad at and try and learn it, even if you suck. Right now it’s guitar and origami on my mind. It’s about challenging yourself at something you know you’re bad at.

  27. Self defense, proper way to throw a punch, basic firearms safety, conversational firearm, deer hunting, basic auto maintenaince, a ballroom dancing class, know 3 songs on a guitar or a piano, strong swimming, public speaking, be better at everything James Bond does.

  28. Exercise, financial literacy, mastering porn addiction if you are dealing with it, and working on not being afraid of rejection by putting yourself in situations that desensitize you to this possibility.

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