I’ve been watching some extreme, weird porn for 2-3 years or maybe more, and I guess that’s why I have trouble staying hard in sex and even when I’m trying to masturbate to regular vanilla porn.

when I’m trying to masturbate to vanilla porn it’s like I’m forcing myself to orgasm, I shoot less and I enjoy less but it’s totally fine when I do it with my weird fetish porn so I can conclude that it’s a mental problem, not physical.

please don’t suggest embracing myself and my fetish, I can’t, it just makes me feel so bad to even think about it.

what should I do ? will quitting watching porn fix my problem or I have to do more?

  1. I don’t know what your fetishes are they might not be as weird as you think. But forcing yourself to enjoy vanilla porn is also a problem. Effectively this might end up harming your mental state. Quitting porn altogether for a bit might be the best option in that case.

    Also, try to evaluate what part of the fantasy of the porn you watched. As an example mind control can be a proxy for being a dom if you view yourself as mc or if you identify with the controlled being sub or non-consensual sex. For you can agree on visual cues for partner so they know you are in the mood.

  2. You need to quit porn for a bit – meditate – turn into the more spiritual aspect of your body.

    Try guided meditation
    Anything physical non sexual
    You don’t actually need to masturbate that often..

    İt should help .. just force yourself for a month or so to “detox” your body
    But this is not a solution – its a short term month long treatment
    The solution is changing your habits and turning to other things
    Replacing not removing – or else you’ll just fall back..

  3. I would go and visit a doctor.

    But if you need some advice (I’m not a replacement for a doctor’s advice). Stop watching porn at once! Do not watch anything that you could classify as porn for the next 6 months! Your brain will rewire it-self and you should notice that it becomes easier to mastrubate.

    Do use lube and learn a new masturbation technique. Also, stop masturbation practices for 1-2 months. Give your brain time to heal.

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