How important is it that your friends like your girlfriend? Will your attitude change if your friends don’t approve of her?

  1. Of course, this plays a role, because we will meet at common events. But I think that if my friends trust me to make my own girl choices and see that I’m happy with her, they won’t interfere with our relationship.

  2. I would talk to my friends about exactly what they don’t like about my girlfriend honestly and openly.

    After that, I would probably talk to my girlfriend about the problem.

    And then I would have a cocktail party.

  3. Most everyone (my family and friends) didn’t like my ex and as long as they didn’t disrespect her in front of me than I didn’t really give af.

  4. Actually the decision is still mine but my friends would give me lot of insights, especially when I did something stupid to her.

  5. Not a lot, i am the one who’s supposed to be with her not them. If they don’t go hand in hand, i just won’t bring them together, have done it before wasn’t too hard.

  6. Most of my family didn’t like my girlfriend. Especially my sister in law and my mom. Some of my friends girlfriends didn’t like her either and friends followed whatever they said.

    We had a small but blast of a wedding with only two of my friends and some of my family and all of her friends and family. Married 18 years now.

    Edit: to answer the question – it mattered at the time somewhat but on the grand scheme of things, not really. My mother is dead now, none of those friends are friends now anyway and I’m actually glad it went that way.

  7. My friends are pretty much family and know me better than I know myself sometimes, so if they see red flags or things they don’t approve of, I look at it from their view and usually see it too. I don’t usually let others “approve” of my decisions in life, so if someone said they don’t approve of someone I was with, I’d say that sounds fucking weird and don’t say that again, but if they just flatout didn’t like her and told me they thought she was a goofball, then I’ll take a second look. My friends are way more important than any relationship ever will be, so if it’s going to affect friendships, she’s gone.

  8. With the benefits of hindsight, extremely important. Your friends know you, want the best for you, and see things you might be blind too.

    I e had long term relationships where I thought perhaps my friends just didnt get her like I did. I was wrong.

    Most peoples friends are very accommodating and will welcome partners into the group. If a lot of friends dont like a partner, especially to the point of letting you know, then its wise to listen.

  9. my long time best friends always knew how to judge a person’s character.

    and since im not that keen on perceiving people’s true nature (especially the manipulative one) i trust them over her.

    and i would date a girl if i could only get chummy with her as easily as my best friends.

  10. Depends. Are your friends blowing you and fucking you? If so, their opinion matters. If not, it does not

  11. My friends don’t like my gf, they say she and her friends are too stuck up but they say that because she refuses to set them up with her friends and thinks their hood shit is stupid af.

    I don’t really care, they don’t like her and she don’t like them so it’s mutual. Nobody has ever told me not to hang with the other so there’s that

  12. Well if I start dating a woman I’d want her to meet my friends and family. So everyone gets to know her and hopefully they like her.

  13. It depends on the reason of not liking her. I don’t need my friends opinion about her to determine if I should be with her.
    If there was serious concerns with good reasoning to not liking her. Then I would consider and process this.

  14. People liking each other matters a lot less than if they bother me about it. Someone that questions my judgement constantly and annoys me with their opinions is tiresome and obnoxious regardless of if it is friend…. Or my girlfriend.

    At that point, they have a problem with me… Not her. I’ll hang up on a call with my own mother if she starts telling me how much she dislikes me riding a motorcycle. I just don’t want to hear it past a certain amount.

  15. The two exes before my now wife were sucking the life out of me and I didn’t know it. It alienated friends of mine who I wish would have said something, but I did some hard learning.

    They all love my wife now, and would have no problem with her tagging along to anything we’d do. They’d ask if she wanted to come. That wS a huge wake up call.

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